

Quantum Dot TVs Under Development in Korea

by Super User

LG and Samsung are working on quantum dot TVs, claims Korea’s Digital Times. Both companies are working on products that may be released next year. Display Daily Comments Samsung could use a QD-LCD TV …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LG Displays (LGD)| Quantum Dots| Samsung| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

Will Wearables Sales Explode This Christmas?

by Super User

More than 1 million wearable devices will be sold in the UK this Christmas, Samsung has predicted – reaching a value of

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21| Wearable Market

Samsung to Leave German Notebooks

by Super User

Samsung is to withdraw from the German notebook market. According to local media, the decision is only related to the German market; Samsung will stop selling notebooks (and Chromebooks) to focus on more profitable …

Tags:Europe| Large Display Monitor| PCs| Samsung| Vol 21 - Issue 37| Volume 21

Samsung Warns of 60% Fall in Profit

by Super User

Samsung says that it expects third quarter operating profit to be approximately KRW4.1 trillion ($3.8 billion), 60% lower than Q3 of last year and the fourth consecutive quarter of declines. Revenue for the period …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Smartphones| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

Samsung Goes After Mid-Range Market

by Super User

Late last month a new line of entry- to mid-range Galaxy smartphones appeared online, called the Galaxy A series. We wrote about them, but Samsung put out an official release just before we went …

Tags:AMOLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Smartphones| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

Liquavista Technology – what’s the catch?

by Bob Raikes

The story that caught my attention particularly this week is the report that Samsung is trying to sell Liquavista, the Philips spin-off that it bought in January 2011 (the story has been going around …

Tags:LCD| Liquavista| MyBlog| Samsung

Samsung’s Sharp Move

by Bob Raikes

The big story of last week was, without doubt, the planned Samsung investment in Sharp. The symbolism is more important than the substance. The deal indicates that Samsung wants to have an on-going relationship …

Tags:LCD| Samsung| sharp

Chaebols in the Matrix

by Raverstead

Looking back on the year, the big trend has been the increasing dominance of the 2 x 2 matrix of Apple and Samsung, phones and tablets. If you don’t fit one of the four …

Tags:Apple| Microsoft| phones| Samsung| tablets

Is Electronics a Hits Business?

by Bob Raikes

The Samsung profit forecast that we mentioned in last week’s Display Monitor emphasises that not all is gloom and doom in the electronic business (although it mostly is at the moment!). It did get …

Tags:electronics| it| Samsung| technology

OLEDs and Secrecy

by Bob Raikes

Some years ago, a group of academics studied the LCD industry and found that much of the rapid growth of the LCD business was a result of the cooperation between different LCD-making companies. Although …

Tags:LCD| OLED| Samsung

Sony and Samsung Pricing

by Super User

I was thinking about the TV market and it seems to me that we are at something of a turning point for the entire industry. We had a period of good growth, with the …

Tags:Samsung| sony| TV pricing

How does Samsung grow its TV business?

by Bob Raikes

My attention was drawn to the news, reported by the FT, that LG and Samsung are starting to see competition in their home market of Korea from store brands and low cost brands. Although …

Tags:Samsung| TV