

Qualcomm’s Q4 Hit Hard by Weak Handset Demand

by Andy Patrizio

For Q4 2022, Qualcomm reported revenue of $9.46 billion compared to $10.7 billion in the same quarter of 2021, representing an 11.6% decline in revenue. Handsets, the company’s largest unit, is blamed for the …

Tags:Financial Data| Market Data| Qualcomm| Smartphones

SK Hynix and LG Displays to Make MicroOLEDs for Meta

by Omid Rahmat

The social media giant will be designing the chips to be manufactured as part of its ongoing investment in the mixed reality displays. The expected timing for all this is 2025 to 2026. According …

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| LG Display| meta| Qualcomm| SK Hynix| XR

Snapdragon X35: Qualcomm Adds to AR/VR IP

by Artem Alekseenko

Qualcomm calls it the connected intelligent edge, but the launch of the Snapdragon X35 5G Modem-RF, adds some much need communications power to the company’s offerings that could have a positive impact on AR …

Tags:5G| Augmented Reality| Qualcomm

Samsung, Qualcomm, and Google Form the No-Apple Android XR Alliance

by Omid Rahmat

Roh would not elaborate on the specifics of Samsung’s first new XR product, which will not appear at Wednesday’s launch event. “We’re getting there, but we’re not too far away,” he said. “For the …

Tags:Apple| Google| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Qualcomm| Samsung| XR