

Dynamic Focus on 19″ LCD Monitors

by Super User

This week we are highlighting LCD monitors in the 19″ standard aspect ratio (5:4) category. There are 16 brands featured in the advertising with Philips, Acer and Iiyama the top three advertised brands. In …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| dynamic focus| Large Display Monitor| Pricing| Vol 21 - Issue 39| Volume 21

Sony Beats Microsoft in Price – Again

by Super User

Last month, Microsoft dropped the price of the Xbox One in the UK to

Tags:Large Display Monitor| PlayStation| Pricing| Vol 21 - Issue 39| Volume 21| xBox

Dynamic Focus 65″ LCD Public Displays

by Super User

This week we are highlighting LCD Public Displays in the 65″ Full HD category covering sizes 65″ to 69.99″ with 1920 x 1080 resolution. There are five brands featured in the advertising. Samsung is …

Tags:dynamic focus| Large Display Monitor| LFD - Large Format Display| Pricing| Vol 21 - Issue 40

Competition to Cause Panel Price Drop

by Super User

According to reports from Asia, handset panel module prices are expected to fall more than 10% in Q4. The slump will be caused by competition for Chinese orders between vendors from Taiwan, China, Japan …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| Pricing| Smartphones| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Dynamic Focus on 22″ Full HD LCD Monitors

by Super User

This week we are highlighting LCD monitors in the 22″ Full HD category, which includes sizes from 21.5″ to 22.9″ with resolution of 1920 x 1080. There are 15 brands featured in the advertising …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| dynamic focus| Large Display Monitor| Pricing| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

Dynamic Focus on 17″ LCD Monitors

by Super User

This week we are highlighting LCD monitors in the 17″ standard category. There are 10 brands featured in the advertising with NEC Displays, Iiyama and BenQ the top three. In France, Iiyama was top …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| dynamic focus| Europe| Large Display Monitor| Pricing| Vol 21 - Issue 35| Volume 21

Dynamic Focus on 55″ LCD Public Displays

by Super User

This week we are highlighting LCD Public Displays in the 55″ Full HD category covering sizes 53.5″ to 59.49″ with 1920 x 1080 resolution. There are nine brands featured in the advertising. NEC Displays …

Tags:dynamic focus| Large Display Monitor| LFD - Large Format Display| Pricing| Vol 21 - Issue 36| Volume 21

Dynamic Focus on 19″ Wide LCD Monitors

by Super User

This week we are highlighting LCD monitors in the 19″ wide category, covering both 16:10 and 16:9 models and sizes from 18″ wide to 19.9″ wide. There are 14 brands featured in the advertising. …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| dynamic focus| Europe| Large Display Monitor| Pricing| Vol 21 - Issue 37| Volume 21

Dynamic Focus on 42″ Full HD LCD Public Displays Vol 21 Issue 38

by Super User

This week we are highlighting Public Displays in the 40″ and 42″ Full HD LCD category with 1920 x 1080 resolution. There are 10 brands featured in the advertising. Samsung is at the top …

Tags:dynamic focus| Large Display Monitor| LFD - Large Format Display| Pricing| Vol 21 - Issue 38| Volume 21