Portrait Displays


Auto-Calibration Software for Sony 2018 Master Series OLEDs

by Andrew Fenn

Portrait Displays has developed CalMAN auto calibration capability for Sony’s 2018 Master Series A9F and Z9F Bravia Ultra HD and HDR televisions, being unveiled this week at a press event in New York City, …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Portrait Displays| sony| Vol 25 - Issue 29

Tyler Pruitt of Calman Talks about OLEDs

by Bob Raikes

We found an interesting talk online by Tyler Pruitt of Portrait Displays/Calman, in which he talks in detail on calibrating mastering monitors and in particular, he gives out some interesting information on the LUTs …

Tags:4k| Display Calibration| Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| OLED TVs| Portrait Displays| Vol 25 - Issue 18

SpectraCal Calls for a By-Pass Mode in HDR Displays

by Chris Chinnock

Tyler Pruitt from SpectraCal/Portrait Displays started his presentation by describing a big problem with HDR displays – color volume remapping (which he said includes tone mapping as well). This is needed when the color …

Tags:Colour Management & Processing| Display Calibration| Large Display Monitor| Portrait Displays| SMPTE 2017| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 24 - Issue 41

Calman Making Life Easier for Calibrators

by Bob Raikes

Portrait Displays and its Calman group were at the show and we took the chance to get an update since PDL took over Spectracal, which created Calman software. The big news, of course, was …

Tags:Display Calibration| IBC 2017| Large Display Monitor| Portrait Displays| Vol 24 - Issue 35

QH05 Current state of HDR Calibration for Post-Production, Broadcast, and Home Entertainment Displays

by Chris Chinnock

Marcel Gonska from the SpectraCal division of Portrait Displays started his presentation by noting that professional monitors with different display technologies need slight different calibration procedures. RGB OLEDs for example, use a Judd modified …

Tags:Display Calibration| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IFA 2017| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Portrait Displays| Vol 24 - Issue 35

Samsung QLED TVs Become ‘CalMAN ready’

by Bob Raikes

Samsung has made the Calman with AutoCal software available on its 2017 QLED TVs (Samsung Ties up with Calman). HS Kim, President of Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics said “Samsung QLED TV is …

Tags:Display Calibration| Large Display Monitor| Portrait Displays| Samsung| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 24 - Issue 20

SpectraCal and LG Developing Better HDR Calibration Solution

by Chris Chinnock

Tyler Pruitt from SpectraCal, now part of Portrait Display, said that calibrating an HDR display is much harder than an SDR display. With HDR content, there is almost always a color volume remapping function …

Tags:Display Metrology| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Portrait Displays| Vol 24 - Issue 17

Samsung Ties up with Calman

by Chris Chinnock

One of the key messages themes from Samsung, and I suspect will be for the whole TV industry in 2017, was color volume over color gamut. Color volume takes into account the color performance …

Tags:CES 2017| Display Calibration| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Portrait Displays| Samsung| Vol 24 - Issue 03| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

Portrait Displays Controls Colour With Haier

by Tom Allen

A new AIO PC line from Haier, called Right Key, uses technology from Portrait Displays. The PCs are designed for creative types and feature ‘Real Colour’ colour space selection, with four modes: Work (sRGB …

Tags:Back Panel| Colour Management & Processing| Haier| Large Display Monitor| Portrait Displays| Vol 23 - Issue 20