
Could PS VR be Made PC Compatible?

by Tom Allen

There is a “possibility” that Sony will make its Playstation VR headset compatible with PCs, not just the Playstation 4 console. The news comes from a Nikkei interview with Sony EVP Masayasu Ito, translated …

Tags:HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Mobile Display Monitor| PCs| PlayStation| sony| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 12

Detachables to Drive European PC Market

by Tom Allen

Detachable tablet demand will drive the European PC and tablet market in the near future, says IDC. Detachable and slate tablet shipments will have a 51% share of the overall client computing (PC and …

Tags:Convertible PCs| Europe| IDC| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| PCs| tablets| Vol 23 - Issue 11

Gaming Hardware Will Grow This Year

by Tom Allen

The value of the worldwide market for gaming hardware will pass $140 billion in 2019, according to a Jon Peddie Research presentation made at the Game Developer Conference 2016. After shrinking slightly in 2015 …

Tags:Consoles| Game Playing| Jon Peddie Research (JPR)| Large Display Monitor| PCs| Vol 23 - Issue 10


Cometa Takes Fujitsu

by Tom Allen

Cometa is now distributing Fujitsu’s PCs, notebooks, displays and other products in the central and southern parts of Italy.

Tags:Distribution| Fujitsu| Italy| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| PCs| Vol 23 - Issue 09

Lenovo Grows German Network

by Tom Allen

Lenovo has appointed API and Bytec as new distributors in Germany. API will handle Lenovo’s PCs and notebooks, while Bytek will look after server and storage solutions.

Tags:Distribution| Germany| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| PCs| Vol 22 - Issue 46

Vinzeo Expands Lenovo Portfolio

by Milos Pavlovic

Vinzeo of Spain has expanded its Lenovo distribution agreement, from solely servers to include notebooks, PCs, tablets and related accessories.

Tags:Distribution| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| PCs| Spain| tablets| Vol 22 - Issue 42

MDM Product Roundup – Vol 22 No 40

by Tom Allen

AMD has said that it will work with Oculus VR and Dell to drive PCs with the Oculus Ready certification (Oculus Lists VR Challenges). AMD will fit these PCs with its own Radeon GPUs. …

Tags:AMD| Dell| LG Electronics (LGE)| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Oculus VR| PCs| Samsung| Smartphones| Smartwatches| Taiwan| toshiba| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 40

LDM Product Roundup – Vol 22 No 40

by Tom Allen

AMD has said that it will work with Oculus VR and Dell to drive PCs with the Oculus Ready certification (Oculus Lists VR Challenges). AMD will fit these PCs with its own Radeon GPUs. …

Tags:AMD| Austria| Dell| Germany| Large Display Monitor| Notebooks| Oculus VR| PCs| Samsung| Switzerland| Taiwan| toshiba| Video Walls| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 40

HP Updates its Workstations

by Bob Raikes

HP held a webinar to introduce two new Z240 workstations, a small form factor (SFF) system and a tower for maximum expansion. HP claims to be the number one brand in the global workstation …

Tags:HP Inc| Large Display Monitor| PCs| Vol 22 - Issue 39| Workstations

Smartphones Are Only Bright Spot in Germany

by Tom Allen

The value of the consumer electronics market in Germany fell 2.5% YoY in the first half of 2015, to €12.3 billion, according to the GFU’s Consumer Electronics Market Index (CEMIX). Cemix data is divided …

Tags:Germany| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| PCs| Smartphones| tablets| Vol 22 - Issue 34