
BOE Will Rule Flexible OLED Displays This Year

by Emory Kale

China’s OLED manufacturing capacity and its domestic market are weighing heavily on Korean minds.

Tags:AMOLED| BOE| China| Flexible Displays| foldables| Korea| OLED| showcase

OLED Panel Revenues Projected to Fall in 2023

by Shawnee Blackwood

While OLED TVs are expected to comprise 44% of the market area in 2023, down from 51% in 2022, OLED smartphones are anticipated to grow to 48%, driven mainly by a 29% unit increase for the 6.6” to 8” category.

Tags:AMOLED| DSCC| Flexible Displays| foldables| laptop| OLED| smartphone| TV

Premium Displays Can Do it All

by Omid Rahmat

Premium displays are not a rising tide that lifts all boats, at least not as far as the display industry is concerned.

Tags:Apple| BOE| LG| OLED| Samsung| Smartphones

Korean Premium OLED Display Exports Weather Economic Headwinds

by Emory Kale

The Korean Display Industry Association (KDIA) has released its most recent analysis of the display industry’s exports and it shows the importance of the industry to Korea’s high-tech economy but also the impact of sluggish demand for electronics goods.

Tags:KDIA| Korea| LCD| OLED