

Toppan Takes Over Former JOLED Factory for FC-BGA Production

by Emory Kale

Toppan has said it intends to invest around 60 billion yen ($407 million) over three years through fiscal 2025 to raise capacity for electronic products including semiconductor substrates.

Tags:JOLED| Manufacturing| OLED| Toppan

LCD Panel Makers Slash Production as Demand Slows

by Shawnee Blackwood

Chinese display manufacturers are considering further utilization drops below 60% in Q1’24 around Chinese New Year in hopes of minimizing price erosion.

Tags:LCD| Manufacturing| Market Data| omdia| showcase

MicroLEDs: The Future of Displays is When?

by Emory Kale

Fundamentally, handling large numbers of tiny MicroLED chips while maintaining precision across large display areas represents an enormous manufacturing challenge.

Tags:LCD| Manufacturing| MicroLED| OLED| showcase

The US Doesn’t See Displays as Critical to National Security, Yet

by Omid Rahmat

The immediate threat, if there is any, is to certain advanced technologies like compound semiconductors or nanomaterials which may be designated as critical to national security and subject to stricter restrictions on foreign expansion and joint research.

Tags:CHIPS Act| Manufacturing| MicroLED| NanoLED| showcase