Internet of Things IOT


Quarter of a Billion Connected Cars by 2020, Says Gartner

by Tom Allen

There will be more than a quarter of a billion connected cars on the road by 2020, making them a major element in the Internet of Things, says Gartner. The IoT will grow 30% this …

Tags:Automotive| Gartner| Internet of Things IOT| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 05

Smart Houses Find New Homes for Displays

by Alfred Poor

Display panel manufacturers are seeking new outlets for their products, now that the smartphone, tablet, and television markets have matured and appear to be stabilizing. One possible application for more displays is the use …

Tags:CES 2015| Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 03

Wearables – The Next Big Thing?

by Norbert Hildebrand

For the past few years every few days we were reporting on some new wearable device being developed or entering the consumer electronic market.  Smartwatches have been available for quite some time and fitness …

Tags:IHS Markit| Internet of Things IOT| MEMS| Smartwatches| Vol 22 - Issue 03| Wearable Market| Wearables

Internet of Things Adoption Climbing Quickly

by Raverstead

There will be 4.9 billion connected ‘things’ (such as ATMs and airline check-in machines) in use next year, up 30% from 2014, and 25 billion by 2020. These figures come from Gartner, which says …

Tags:Gartner| Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 45

Sensors Essential to Input

by Raverstead

User Interface – Jay Esfandyari of STMicroelectronics (STM) presented the Sensor Tutorial at the event. Esfandyari began his tutorial by charting the evolution of human interface technology from the 1940’s through to the present …

Tags:Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Sensors| TGM 2014

Third Platform Will Dominate ICT Growth in 2015

by Raverstead

We recently ‘attended’ a webinar by IDC, covering the company’s prediction for the ‘third platform’. The third platform consists of 21st century technologies such as big data, mobile, the cloud and the internet of …

Tags:3D printing| IDC| Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 48

Apple Home Kit Links to Apple TV

by Helen Vince

Business and Strategic: In case you missed it, Apple’s TV strategy became a bit clearer this month with the launch of its Developers’ Beta 2 version of iOS 8.1, (build 128407) as the company …

Tags:Apple| Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| Media Players| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

Sony Joins Allseen

by Super User

Sony has joined the Internet of Things standards body, the Allseen Alliance. Current ‘Premier’ members now include Panasonic, Sharp, Haier, Qualcomm Connected Experiences, Microsoft and LG. The Alliance aims to promote interoperability between connected …

Tags:Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| sony| Vol 21 - Issue 36| Volume 21

Microsoft Signs IoT MoU With LG

by Super User

While attending the TechDays 2014 forum in Korea recently, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella signed a memorandum of understanding with LG Electronics. The two companies have agreed to work together to expand their Internet of …

Tags:Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| LG Displays (LGD)| Microsoft| Vol 21 - Issue 38| Volume 21

ARM Hopes to Speed IoT Device Creation

by Super User

A new tool, specifically for Internet of Things devices, has been developed by ARM. The ‘Mbed IoT Device Platform’ is an open-standards operating system. ARM says that it combines ‘internet protocols, security and standards-based …

Tags:Arm| Internet of Things IOT| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

Advantech Looks to Haier for IoT

by Super User

Advantech is apparently seeking a partnership with Haier to develop Internet of Things products, say sources in the upstream supply chain.

Tags:Haier| Internet of Things IOT| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21