HDR - High Dynamic Range


Netflix Adds HDR Still Image Support and Plugs AV1 Codec

by Andrew Fenn

Netflix has added HDR images to its user interface in a bid to bring its content browsing experience in line with the HDR content the service has featured since 2016. In an announcement on …

Tags:Codecs| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Netflix| Vol 25 - Issue 37

High-end TVs Shoot it Out in Scarsdale

by Ken Werner

Last Sunday (September 23rd), Value Electronics (VE) held the TV shoot-out it began in 2007. Normally, the shoot-out is attached to a technology show in New York, but it was held this year at …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| OLED TVs| Samsung| Testing| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 25 - Issue 37

UltraHD Forum is Positive on Progress

by Bob Raikes

The UltraHD Forum was at the event to talk about the developments in UltraHD and the development of the Phase B recommendations. We spoke to Ian Nock of Fairmile West, which works with the …

Tags:Codecs| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2018| Large Display Monitor| UltraHD| Vol 25 - Issue 36

8K, HDR and LED Drones in Future Zones

by Bob Raikes

We kept our visit to the Future Zone until the end of one of our last days at the show as a reward for slogging around the rest of the show! Of course, NHK …

Tags:BBC| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2018| Large Display Monitor| NHK| OTT Video| Streaming Video| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 25 - Issue 36

CinemaNext Equips France’s National Centre of Cinematography

by Andrew Fenn

CinemaNext, a European specialist in cinema exhibitor services has completed the installation of three new auditoria at the CNC’s (France’s National Centre of Cinematography and Moving Image) headquarters in Paris. The site has been …

Tags:Back Panel| Cinema| France| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 37

Ikegami Addresses Entry Level and ToneMaps HDR to SDR!

by Bob Raikes

Ikegami was showing a range of UltraHD cameras and monitors. There were also two new entry level monitors in 31″ and 17″. The larger one has 4096 x 2160 resolution with 350 cd/m² of …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2018| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 36

JVC Extends to DCI-4K

by Bob Raikes

JVC had a couple of new broadcast monitors although we had some language challenges in getting details. The new monitors are the DT-G27, a 27″ unit and DT-U31. The DT-U31 is an UltraHD alternative …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| Colour Critical Monitors| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2018| JVC| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 36

Dolby Vision Gathering Support

by Bob Raikes

Dolby was not showing anything new in its video and Dolby Vision technology, but was concentrating on highlighting the adoption of the technology which is now being supported by 18 different consumer electronics brands …

Tags:Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2018| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 36

Arte Conducting HDR Tests

by Bob Raikes

SES held a series of Tech Talks in its meeting room suite up in the balcony of Hall 1. These are usually interesting and the one we went to was no exception. The topic …

Tags:Broadcast| HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| IBC 2018| Large Display Monitor| Philips| SES| UltraHD| Vol 25 - Issue 36

Creatives Want More – of Everything!

by Bob Raikes

Christie had a big screen demonstration that compared Xenon-based projection with a full laser unit. Unfortunately, because of a schedule clash, we didn’t get to see the different demonstration, but got into the session …

Tags:6p Laser| Cinema| HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| IBC 2018| Large Display Monitor| Laser Projectors| Movies & Content| Vol 25 - Issue 36

Sony Moves from OLED for Monitoring

by Bob Raikes

Sony held its usual press event as the first of the show itself on its booth. I remember when the firm switched from projection to LCD as the main display for the event, but …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| Cameras| Dual Panel LCDs| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IBC 2018| Large Display Monitor| sony| UltraHD| Vol 25 - Issue 36

Vudu Brings Ultra HD and HDR to Older Sony TVs

by Andrew Fenn

Pay-per-view movie service Vudu has rolled out Ultra HD and HDR capabilities to 2016 and 2017 Sony TVs. Owners of these devices can now access content in UHD, HDR10 and Dolby Vision. Users who …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| OTT Video| sony| Vol 25 - Issue 37