Autostereo 3D


Visteon Impresses with HUDs, OLEDs and …. S3D

by Bob Raikes

Visteon is one of the biggest suppliers of instrumentation and consoles for vehicles that was spun off from Ford in 2000 and we first met them at CES in We had a tour around …

Tags:Automotive| Autostereo 3D| CES 2017| Flexible Displays| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 02

RealD Updates its Intelilight Technology – and More

by Chris Chinnock

We met with RealD in a meeting room at the back of the South Hall at CES to discuss progress on its Intelilight technology. This is essentially an intelligent backlight that can direct light …

Tags:Automotive| Autostereo 3D| CES 2017| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Privacy| RealD| Stereo 3D| Vol 24 - Issue 02

Stream TV Continues to Push Glasses-Free 3D

by Chris Chinnock

Glasses-free 3D is not dead, but it is not thriving either. A few companies continue to develop products and they seem to be finding customers, but these remain niche products. At CES 2017, we …

Tags:Autostereo 3D| CES 2017| Large Display Monitor| Stream TV| Vol 24 - Issue 02

Post CES 2017 Round-Up

by Bob Raikes

We do our best to cover all we should at CES, but it’s always ‘drinking from the firehose’. So here are some items that we missed but saw reported elsewhere, or that for some …

Tags:Autostereo 3D| BlackBerry| CES 2017| Gesture Recognition| Haptics| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Pen Input| USI (Universal Stylus Initiative)| Vol 24 - Issue 03

Third Dimension Technologies Shows Light Field Simulator

by Chris Chinnock

Third Dimension Technologies showed off its projector-based light field simulator display at I/ITSEC 2016. They showed a similar demo at last year’s show, but this year they had a full fifth generation fighter cockpit …

Tags:Autostereo 3D| I/ITSEC 2016| Large Display Monitor| Light Field Displays| Simulation| Vol 23 - Issue 48

Stream TV to Work with Signagelive

by Bob Raikes

Stream TV Networks, which specialises in glasses-free S3D has announced a deal with Signagelive, which provides cloud-based digital signage software. IAdea will supply the XMP-7300 4K media player, which has been made compatible with …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| Autostereo 3D| DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Stream TV| Vol 23 - Issue 45

New Technology Area Round Up

by Bob Raikes

This reporter always enjoy the future technology area at IBC and I often save up visits to the end of a long day. If I get around the ‘moodily-lit STBs’, to quote Paul Gray …

Tags:360 Degree Cameras| Autostereo 3D| Flexible Displays| IBC 2016| Large Display Monitor| LG Displays (LGD)| Mobile Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Telepresence| Vol 23 - Issue 38

3D @ ISTE 2016

by Len Scrogan

Some pundits feel that 3D in education has peaked. But it didn’t seem that way at all at ISTE 2016, where 3D technologies evidenced their strongest and most mature presence in the history of …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| 3D software| Autostereo 3D| Education| Vol 23 - Issue 37

A New Way of Doing Large-Format 3D – Without Glasses

by Tom Allen

Two research teams, working together have demonstrated a large-scale autostereoscopic 3D display, which can be used for watching 3D films without resorting to wearing special glasses. The ‘Cinema 3D’ prototype was worked on by …

Tags:3D Cinema| Autostereo 3D| Large Display Monitor| MIT| Vol 23 - Issue 29

ADL Researchers Examine Auto-Stereo 3D

by Tom Allen

The SID held an event in London at the end of June, investigating different approaches to glass-free 3D displays. This consisted of researchers from Nanyang Technological University’s Advanced Display Laboratory discussing three types of …

Tags:Autostereo 3D| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Society| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 23 - Issue 25

DS22 SeeCubic Hopes for 1 Million AS3D Sets in 2018

by Bob Raikes

Walther Roelen is from SeeCubic, which is a subsidiary of streamTV and which he founded. He avoids the use of the term 3D, he said. He looked at how computer models were developed to …

Tags:Autostereo 3D| Display Summit 2016| Infocomm 2016| Large Display Monitor| Light Field Displays| Vol 23 - Issue 24

Jiangsu Zhongsheng Stereoscopic Display Factory Tour

by Chris Chinnock

The second company visited by attendees of the Display Summit China event was Jiangsu Zhongsheng Stereoscopic Display, which is just a short walk from the first site, Seemile. The company manufactures glasses-free 3D flat …

Tags:Autostereo 3D| China| Display Summit China 2016| Large Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 19