

CTA Looks Beyond the “Magnificent Seven”

by Bob Raikes

Dubravac of the CTA. Image:Meko LtdAs usual, the CES press events kicked off with a market briefing and “Technology Trends” talk by the CTA which runs CES. This year, the event was in a …

Tags:Automotive| CES 2016| Consumer Electronics Industry| CTA (was CEA)| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 02

Pioneer HUD

Automotive HUD Round-Up

by Norbert Hildebrand

With cars taking up a good portion of the CES exhibit space, the interest and availability of head up displays (HUD) was everywhere. While in the past years HUDs were a standalone technology to …

Tags:Automotive| CES 2016| Head Up Displays HUDs| JVC| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 02

Atmel Shows Force Sensitive Touch Screen

by Norbert Hildebrand

Atmel demonstrated their touch controller line for automotive and other applications at CES, which allows input with moisture / water present as well as using a glove or a stylus. These robust touch control …

Tags:Atmel| Automotive| CES 2016| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Touch| Vol 22 - Issue 02

Cypress Releases Automotive MCU and Touch Controller

by Norbert Hildebrand

Cypress Semiconductor released a new 32 bit MCU for automotive applications. The processor uses 40nm design rules for the first time (until now Cypress used 55nm) allowing the firm to incorporate more flash on …

Tags:Automotive| CES 2016| Head Up Displays HUDs| Mobile Display Monitor| Semiconductor Market| Vol 23 - Issue 02

Tianma Addresses Mobile & Automotive Apps

by Bob Raikes

Tianma had a suite in the Westgate to talk to potential clients for its small/medium displays. First, we had a look at the 4.9″ and 5.5″ FullHD OLED displays that the company can make …

Tags:AMOLED| Automotive| Autostereo 3D| CES 2016| In-cell| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Tianma| Vol 23 - Issue 02

What Exactly is CES Today?

by Norbert Hildebrand

Yes, CES has been over for almost a week already and I am still suffering from the content overload that CES creates in almost every tech writer on the planet. We each have our …

Tags:AR Glasses| Augmented Reality| Automotive| CES 2016| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 02

And Finally – Vol 23 No 01

by Tom Allen

Late last year, Jaguar pulled what some might call ‘a stunt preying on peoples’ expectations’, and others would refer to as ‘brilliant marketing’. Let’s just say that it involves virtual reality – but, then …

Tags:Automotive| Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 01

Volvo/Microsoft Enable Knight Rider!

by Tom Allen

Volvo and Microsoft have expanded their partnership, several months after first announcing it using Hololens (Volvo Works With Microsoft’s Hololens). Owners of certain Volvo cars will be able to talk to their vehicles through …

Tags:Automotive| Microsoft| Mobile Display Monitor| Voice Input| Vol 23 - Issue 01| Wearables

LeTV Celebrates Automotive Partnership

by Tom Allen

We had seen most of what LeTV had to show at Digital Experience/Pepcom some days before (Digital Experience Has Lots to See), but the company still had some interesting technology on the stand. The …

Tags:Automotive| CES 2016| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Large Display Monitor| LCD TVs| LeEco (formerly LeTV)| LFD - Large Format Display| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 23 - Issue 02

Automotive Display Systems to Grow to $18.6 billion by 2021

by Bob Raikes

IHS said that the value of the market for automotive display systems will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 11% to $18.6 billion by the end of 2021, adding …

Tags:Automotive| IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 52