Augmented Reality

STAR augmented reality 09 2015

STAR Program uses Augmented Reality for Medical Purposes

by Norbert Hildebrand

The System for Telementoring with Augmented Reality, or the STAR program for short, is a multi-institution project sponsored by the Office of the US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. It includes Purdue …

Tags:AR Glasses| Augmented Reality| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Transparent Displays| Vol 22 - Issue 35

OASIS aims to develop Standards for the use of Augmented Reality

by Norbert Hildebrand

The OASIS group has stated that it is working on standards for using augmented reality content in information products. OASIS is a non-profit consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of open standards …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Standards| Vol 22 - Issue 33

Computer Vision With SMI

by Steve Sechrist

Epson’s AR Glasses at Siggraph with integrated eye-tracking from SMI. Note the (rather) large brick required to process the data. It’s fine for industry but the company will have to migrate this to a …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Epson| Eyewear| Gaze Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Siggraph 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 33

Empowerment Informatics 007

by Steve Sechrist

“Childhood” simulation display VR creates the child’s view of the world, from Augmented Human Technologies Design group at U of Tsukuba JapanOn the application side, one of the more unique discoveries at the show …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Siggraph 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 33

Qualcomm Has a Mixed Reality Engine

by Steve Sechrist

Mattel’s new version of Viewmaster will crack open to allow a smart phone to be put inside and viewed in stereo 3D with a unique twist, support for Vuforia object recognition, triggering events by …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Qualcomm| Siggraph 2015| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 33

Siggraph 2015 – Milestones in VR, AR and More

by Steve Sechrist

It was all things VR and AR at this year’s 42nd annual Siggraph, the Special Interest Group Graphics international conference sponsored by the ACM Association for Computer Machinery. The 2015 show was held in …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Siggraph 2015| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 33

Oculus Rift 08 2015

Oculus Will Focus on the Virtual Reality Market

by Norbert Hildebrand

Wired magazine has released an interview with Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe, in which he states that Oculus will focus in the immediate future on Virtual Reality (VR) rather than Augmented Reality (AR). This distinction …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus Rift| Oculus VR| Virtual Reality| Virtual Sets| Vol 22 - Issue 33

Google Spins Off Niantic Labs

by Norbert Hildebrand

Google is spinning off its Niantic Labs activity, responsible for the augmented reality game Ingress and a location based mobile app. Ingress is a very successful augmented reality game, which has been downloaded more …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Game Playing| Google| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 33

Nomadic Virtual Reality Opens SIGGRAPH VR Village

by Steve Sechrist

The Virtual Reality Village opened for the first time at the Special Interest Group Graphics (SIGGRAPH for short) conference and Exhibition in Los Angeles. A VR Village highlight included a nomadic Virtual Reality system …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| 3D Content Creation| Augmented Reality| CAVEs| Oculus VR| Siggraph 2015| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 32

Epson to Demonstrate Latest Moverio BT-200 AR Applications at SIGGRAPH 2015

by Helen Vince

Epson America will be demonstrating the latest consumer and enterprise applications on its Moverio® BT-200 augmented reality smart glasses at SIGGRAPH 2015 Aug. 11-13 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Additionally, Epson invites developers …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Epson| Siggraph 2015

SMI Shows First Eye Tracking Upgrade for Augmented Reality Glasses

by Bob Raikes

At the 2015 Siggraph Conference, SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) shows the world’s first Eye Tracking Integration for augmented reality, based on Epson’s Moverio BT-200 see-through head mounted display and on SMI’s mobile eye tracking platform. …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Eyewear| Gaze Recognition| Siggraph 2015