

Asus ‘Wins’ TUV Certification

by Tom Allen

TUV Rheinland has certified 26 Asus monitors – the most of any monitor brand – for low blue light output. In addition, 28 monitors have been certified as flicker-free.

Tags:Asus| Back Panel| Blue Light| Certification| Desktop Monitors| Large Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 32

Epson and Aaxa are PMA’s June Winners

by Tom Allen

PMA Research has announced the top-selling projectors in the USA in June. The company divides the results into three categories: ‘pico and personal’, ‘mainstream’ and ‘4,000+ lumen’. Asus’ S1 led the ‘pico and personal’ …

Tags:Asus| Epson| Hitachi| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| NEC| PMA Research| Projectors| Vol 22 - Issue 31

AMD Carrizo Arriving

by Bob Raikes

A number of new notebooks are about to be launched based on the new AMD notebook processor (codenamed Carrizo), according to Tom’s Hardware and PCR-Online. HP will have the Pavillion 15 and 17 and …

Tags:AMD| Asus| Chips| Dell| HP Inc| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| Mobile Display Monitor| toshiba| Vol 22 - Issue 30

Asus Expects Sales to Fall

by Tom Allen

Asus CEO Jerry Shen has said that the company expects to ship between 7 million and 9 million tablets this year – down as much as 25.5% from 2014’s 9.4 million. At the end …

Tags:Asus| Mobile Display Monitor| tablets| Vol 22 - Issue 29

Asustek Expects to Break-Even on Tablets

by Helen Vince

Asustek Computer said it expects its tablet business to break even this year, after reporting losses for its tablet operations in 2014 and the first half of this year. The company has taken measures …

Tags:Asus| Financial Data| Mobile Display Monitor| tablets| Vol 22 - Issue 29

PCs See Sharpest Fall Since 2013

by Tom Allen

68.4 million PCs (including desktops, notebooks and convertibles) were shipped in Q2’15: down 9.5% YoY, according to Gartner, which is the steepest shipment fall in the industry since Q3’13. For the year as a …

Tags:Acer| Apple| Asus| Dell| Gartner| HP Inc| IDC| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)| Vol 22 - Issue 29| Worldwide

Asustek Cuts Notebook Shipment Forecast

by Helen Vince

Asustek has reduced its notebook shipment forecast for this year to 20 million units, from 22.8 million units and lower than last year’s total of 20.3 million notebooks. However, Asustek still expects to ship …

Tags:Asus| Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 29

Asus’ Colourful Entry-Level Phone Appears Online

by Tom Allen

Images of a new Asus smartphone, apparently called the Zenfone Go (ZC500TG), have appeared online. Said to be an entry-level unit, the phone will be launched at the end of July. The handset will …

Tags:Asus| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 22 - Issue 28

Hybrid Vendors Achieve Triple-Digit Growth

by Tom Allen

Hybrid device popularity is climbing rapidly, with shipments expected to be up 70% from 2014 levels this year. Gartner believes that shipments will reach 21.5 million units, representing 12% of total mobile PC sales …

Tags:Asus| Convertible PCs| Gartner| HP Inc| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| Market Data| Microsoft| Mobile Display Monitor| tablets| Vol 22 - Issue 26

Pegatron Predicts Record Turnover in 2015

by Helen Vince

Pegatron says it expects to achieve record turnover this year, following last year’s NT$1.02 trillion ($32.6 billion), thanks to the company’s strategy of widening its portfolios of communication, IT and consumer electronics products. The …

Tags:Asus| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 25