Sky Q to offer live sport in HDR

What They Say

The UK’s dominant pay TV firm, Sky, has said that it will supply over 200 hours of Olympic coverage in UltraHD and with HDR on its dedicated 4K channel. It will also offer 7 pop-up channels of Europort HD content. It also plans to provide Premiership action in HDR UltraHD starting in August.

What We Think

I had previously seen reports that the Sky Q box could not support HDR, but clearly that was not accurate. It looks as though my provider, Virgin, is not going to have anything in 4K or HDR which is a disappointment as the box and set can support it.

Update – Virgin does have the same Eurosport 4K channel as Sky, with HLG content of the Olympics – I just found it although it doesn’t seem to have shouted about it as Sky has! (BR)

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