AV Strumpfl’s Wings Engine RAW was the video server for the main ribbon at the entrance to the ISE exhibition had. A single RAW system drove the entire 17,280 x 1200 pixel display. See elsewhere in this issue for more details on this ribbon. (ISE 2018 Overview)
Casio Projector exhibit at ISE. No, they don’t make pink or orange projectors. (Credit: M. Brennesholtz)
I visited Casio at ISE and learned they did not have any new products to discuss. They did have a nice projection-mapping exhibit where a Casio projector was used to highlight other Casio projectors. This is the sort of application I have seen suggested both at the ISE and at the National Retail Federation for in-store displays.
I visited the European rental company Lang AG. In the past, they have had developmental projects in a conference room off the main floor but this year I was told there were none. They did have their usual nice booth, with free coffee and a video-based air hockey game. Lang also provided the large (45.7 x 2.7M) screen used for the ribbon at the entrance to the ISE exposition hall. They had a transparent OLED on display that I was told was made by Lang using LG material. The transparent OLED is at the end of life and is available for rental only, not sale.
I talked to Marco Maenner from Philips Lighting about the ColorSpark technology. He said little has changed since Chris Chinnock wrote an in-depth article on ColorSpark after CES. He did say that the demonstration engine has been tweaked to produce 1700 lumens instead of the previous 1500 lumens. He also showed me a short throw projector from inAsk that targets the Chinese education market. The inAsk projector is a WUXGA 0.76” 3LCD unit with 3600 lumens. It uses the HLD 201 version of ColorSpark which produces yellow, not green light.
Prysm was exhibiting at ISE and I visited them to see their laser-phosphor displays (LPDs). None were in the booth, however, and Prysm was just showing its collaboration software. When I asked about the LPD, I was told they had not been discontinued. The reason they were not on display was Prysm plans on introducing a 2nd generation LPD March 15th in an event in New York and they did not want to exhibit the older product. Rest assured, I will attend the New York event and will report on it for Large Display Monitor.