
New Study Shows 92% Increase in Streaming in Germany

New data from an online study by ARD and ZDF has revealed a shift in Germany’s streaming habits.

23% of Germans now use video streaming services at least once a week, a 92% increase from the number recorded in 2016. The study also revealed the current age demographic of those using streaming services the most—74% of 16 to 39-year-olds, 48% of 40 to 59-year-olds and 35% of those aged 60 and above.

The general takeaway from the research seems to be that those that use streaming services tend to do so because they want to watch content on their terms, at a time convenient to them, rather than being at the mercy of broadcasting schedules. The study also showed that most younger people are willing to pay for the privilege—59% of 16 to 39-year-olds versus just 16% of those aged 60 and above.

59% of 16 to 39-year-olds also said that they spend more time in front of the TV now than they did before they had access to streaming services.