Micledi and Kura partner to develop AR glasses

What They Say

Micledi said that it is working with Kura on the development of AR glasses and said that the firms have been working together for over a year. The glasses will use the microdisplays made by Micledi (and described as 300mm in the article, although that is, of course, the wafer size, not the display!).

What We Think

Last year, I was somewhat sceptical about what Kura could do but there are some positive comments from Micledi in the article. As I said a year ago, (Is Kura Too Good to be True?) I’d love to be wrong, but remain professionally sceptical about the Kura glasses for now.

Apologies, an admin error meant that we didn’t publish the press release from several weeks ago on this story. (BR)
