At the recent E3 conference, GameFace Labs showed the latest revision (EP1) of its prototype headset, which uses SteamVR tracking and runs on Android and the company has said that the tracking runs on the headset, rather than needing an external PC. However, the system is being designed so that connecting to a PC and using OpenVR running a PC is an option.
The headset supports 2560 x 1440 resolution and will run at 90Hz in the final development version which is planned to ship at the end of this year.
The company said also that it is working on a second lower cost version, GF-DD, that will be optimised for ‘average consumers’, rather than the higher end GF-LD version. It will not support Steam VR, but will use the Google Daydream controller. Both versions are intended to have gaze recognition with foveated rendering.
These prototype Game face headsets were shown at E3 – production units will be much smaller as the current tracking is a prototype. Image Game Face