We reported on Diota at last year’s Laval event and the progress is clear from last year’s ‘sheet metal prototype’ to something that looks much more like a finished product this time. (Diota Offers Tablet or Projection A/R). The company has a combination projector/camera system that can look at an area of equipment (or the inside of a vehicle or plane, etc) using the camera and map onto it an image showing where work needs to be done or checks made. The use of a projector means that AR or VR glasses do not have to be used and in some environments this is an important factor.
Compared to last year’s demo, the accuracy is better – we noted that individual rivets were marked and identified this time, which wasn’t done last time. When the projector is shone onto the target area, there is a short process of alignment and calibration to overlay the image on the environment accurately.
Diota combines a ‘commercial’ engine with a camera to create an AR projector. Image:Meko
The Diota AR projector uses a tablet to see the application. Image:Meko
Diota’s AR application can be used for manufacturing or service. Image:Meko
Companies using the Diota system include Dassault and VW. The company also has an application running with the French national rail company, SNCF. The company is continuing to develop more accuracy in the camera, although not every client wants or needs the full accuracy and the firm wants to keep prices down to make the system accessible.