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OLED Panel Revenues Projected to Fall in 2023

by Shawnee Blackwood

While OLED TVs are expected to comprise 44% of the market area in 2023, down from 51% in 2022, OLED smartphones are anticipated to grow to 48%, driven mainly by a 29% unit increase for the 6.6” to 8” category.

Tags:AMOLED| DSCC| Flexible Displays| foldables| laptop| OLED| smartphone| TV

Intel’s Thunderbolt 5 and Daisy Chaining 8K Monitors

by Shawnee Blackwood

Intel is open to licensing Thunderbolt 5 to non-Intel platforms but how does it compare to HDMI, DisplayPort, DisplayLink, and USB4 for multi-monitor support.

Tags:DisplayPort| HDMI| Intel| showcase| Thunderbolt| USB