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Hisense TV Number One in China Market for 14th Consecutive Year

by Andrew Fenn

According to the latest data from CMM, as of the end of 2017, Hisense TV has ranked as number one on both retail value and volume for 14 consecutive years in China. In the …

Tags:Hisense| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| TV Set Market| Vol 25 - Issue 02

Vivitek Appoints UK Distributor for NovoConnect Range

by Andrew Fenn

Vivitek has announced that it has appointed Stampede to distribute its NovoConnect family of products in the UK, effective immediately. As part of its on-going strategy to raise awareness of the NovoConnect family, Stampede …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Vivitek| Vol 25 - Issue 02

Missing from CES….

by Bob Raikes

While much of the Display Daily team was dealing with the overload of CES last week, there was a significant anniversary during the show, although I didn’t hear anybody talking about it. On January …

Tags:Apple| iPhone| Vol 25 - Issue 02

Eyevis Insolvency Administrator Announces Stabilisation

by Andrew Fenn

Business operations at Eyevis are now stable, five weeks after the company commenced insolvency proceedings, according to Invidis. (Eyevis Hits the Buffers – Files for Bankruptcy) Schultze & Braun’s Holger Leichtle, the company’s provisional …

Tags:Eyevis| Large Display Monitor| Reorganisation & Restructuring| Vol 25 - Issue 04


Gartner: Worldwide Semiconductor Revenue Forecast to Grow

by Andrew Fenn

Worldwide semiconductor revenue is forecast to total $451 billion in 2018, an increase of 7.5% from $419 billion in 2017, according to Gartner. This represents a near doubling of its analysts’ previous estimate of …

Tags:Gartner| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Semiconductor Market| Vol 25 - Issue 02

MENA Pay-TV Revenues To Reach $3.62bn

by Damir Lokas

Pay TV revenues for the 20 countries covered in the eighth edition of the Middle East and North Africa Pay TV Forecasts report will reach $3.62 billion in 2023 – up by only 7.8% …

CES Market Forecasts and AR/VR Survey

by Norbert Hildebrand

During CES the focus is mostly on all the new products and technologies. As a side note CTA also dishes out some market news that often gets overlooked. Here is a short summary on …

Tags:Augmented Reality| CES 2018| CTA (was CEA)| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 02

Full Screen Smartphones To Take Over

by Bob Raikes

Sigmaintell Research has forecast that the trend to 18:9 format smartphones will continue, reaching 61% of the market in 2018 (0.9 billion) by volume. Looking by technology, AMOLED FullView displays will have hit 30% …

Tags:Forecasts| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphone Market| Vol 25 - Issue 02

Tele2 to buy Com Hem of Sweden

by Bob Raikes

Tele2 a telco from Sweden is to buy local cable operator, Com Hem, in a deal that values the company at €2.65 billion. If the deal goes ahead, the new organisation will be the …

Tags:Cable| Large Display Monitor| Mergers & Acquisitions| Sweden| Vol 25 - Issue 02

TiVo Files Two New Lawsuits in Fight Against Comcast

by Andrew Fenn

TiVo has filed new lawsuits in an ongoing legal battle against Comcast. The International Trade Commission recently came down on TiVo’s side, agreeing that Comcast had violated two of its patents with its Xfinity …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Litigation| Mobile Display Monitor| PVRs (DVRs) Personal Digital Video Recorders| STBs| Tivo| Vol 25 - Issue 02