

LDM V25 Vol 11 Roundup

by Bob Raikes

LG has released pricing for the G Series OLED TVs. We previously reported the C, E and W series. (Pricing Information Released for LG’s 2018 OLED Line) The G8 is available just in 65″ …

Tags:Collaboration| Curved Displays| Desktop Monitors| Game Playing| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| OTT Video| Philips| STBs| Vivitek| Vol 25 - Issue 11

Huawei Moves Notebook Camera

by Bob Raikes

5G was, of course, the main topic for Huawei at MWC and the company made a number of announcements. In products, Huawei focused on a new laptop at MWC, the Matebook X Pro which …

Tags:Huawei| Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Notebooks| tablets| Vol 25 - Issue 09


Gartner: MENA IT Device Spending to Reach $27 Billion in 2018

by Andrew Fenn

IT device spending in the Middle East and North Africa region is projected to reach $27.4 billion in 2018, a 1.6% increase from $26.96 billion in 2017, according to the latest forecast by Gartner. …

Tags:Forecasts| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| MEA (Middle East & Africa)| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Acer Injects More Cash into StarVR HMD Project

by Andrew Fenn

Acer has invested an additional $5 million in StarVR, a head-mounted display joint venture partnership with Starbreeze, raising its stake in the venture from 50% to 66.7%. At the end of 2017, StarVR and …

Tags:Acer| Investment| Mergers & Acquisitions| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 09

SIA: Global Semiconductor Sales Increased by 21.6% in 2017

by Andrew Fenn

The SIA has announced the global semiconductor industry posted sales totalling $412.2 billion in 2017, the industry’s highest-ever annual sales and an increase of 21.6% compared to 2016. Global sales for the month of …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Semiconductor Market| Vol 25 - Issue 10

Latin America Pay TV Decelerates

by Damir Lokas

Although the economic recession waned somewhat in 2017, the Latin American pay TV sector was still affected. According to the eighth edition of the Latin America Pay TV Forecasts report, the number of pay …

Sony Supports HDR in XZ Phones

by Bob Raikes

Hideuki Furumi of Sony kicked off the press event on its booth before the start of the event by talking about the key concept of current president, Kaz Hirai, ‘Kando’ which is to say …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Smartphones| sony| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Nokia Has News at the Top and Bottom of its Range

by Bob Raikes

The Nokia brand always attracts attention at the show and is licensed by HMD Global for smartphones. The company captured a lot of attention last year with a new feature phone and it got …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Nokia| Smartphones| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Qualcomm Boosting Wireless and Shows VR Platform

by Bob Raikes

Qualcomm had a range of different demonstrations on its booth and also had an area with smartphones using its different processors. The first demonstration that we had a quick look at was a test …

Tags:Application Processors| Gaze Recognition| Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Qualcomm| Smartphones| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 09| Wi-Fi

ZTE Pushes for 5G But Has 1.2Gbps

by Bob Raikes

ZTE was promoting a quick introduction of 5G at MWC. It also said that it is working with Velcom of Belarus to deploy the first commericial 5G-ready virtual core network in Belarus. The company …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Smartphones| Vol 25 - Issue 09| ZTE

Xiaomi Sets Its Sights on US Smartphone Market

by Andrew Fenn

Xiaomi chairman Lei Jun is reported to have stated that the company intends to enter the US smartphone market as early as this year, with plans to raise an initial public offering of at …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 25 - Issue 09| Xiaomi

Nuu Moves Slightly Up-Market

by Bob Raikes

Nuu is from Hong Kong (and emphasised, not mainland China!) where it has been making smartphones for the last seven years. It specialises in OEM and ODM supply and has successful business in the …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Smartphones| Vol 25 - Issue 09