Isaac Oburu


Techradar’s Extensive Global Survey Results

by Isaac Oburu, Future’s global technology brand and the UK’s biggest technology website, has unveiled the results from extensive research that show… The Smart Home is what excites the public most about the future of technology …

Tags:Market Data| Smartphones| TV Viewing| VOD| Wearable Market

Mixed Results for Business Smartphone & Tablet Shipments in Q2 2015

by Isaac Oburu

Shipments of business smartphones and tablets had mixed results in Q2 2015, with smartphone shipments declining from Q1 to Q2 2015, while quarter-over-quarter tablet shipments grew, according to Strategy Analytics. Business smartphone shipments reached …

Tags:business| Smartphone Market| tablets| Worldwide

PTC to Acquire Augmented Reality Leader Vuforia from Qualcomm

by Isaac Oburu

PTC (NASDAQ:PTC) today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire the Vuforia business from Qualcomm Connected Experiences, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM), for $65 million. Vuforia is the industry’s …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Mergers & Acquisitions| Qualcomm

SlimPort NANO∙CONSOLE Launched on Indiegogo

by Isaac Oburu

Analogix Semiconductor, Inc. today announced that the SlimPort® NANO?CONSOLE has officially launched on Indiegogo. A mobile-enabled dock with remote for Android mobile devices, the NANO?CONSOLE allows users to: Connect their SlimPort®-enabled mobile device to …

Tags:Analogix| Android| HDMI| Smartphones

Screen4All Forum’s Conferences Shed Light on the Future

by Isaac Oburu

Over 60 speakers, all experts in their respective industries, will be at Screen4All Forum to provide insight into the market’s future challenges, with an emphasis on virtual reality for the first time in France. …

Tags:Events| France| Post Production| UltraHD| Virtual Reality