Isaac Oburu


SMI Eye Tracking and WorldViz Make Researchers Turn to Virtual Reality

by Isaac Oburu

SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) and WorldViz announce a plug and play integration of their leading Eye Tracking and VR technologies. With the Vizard VR Software, researchers and professionals can easily design immersive experiments and replicate …

Tags:Devices| Virtual Reality

MEDION to Sell LIFETAB® P7332 Tablet at ALDI Stores in U.S.

by Isaac Oburu

German consumer electronics company MEDION today announced that its new 7-inch MEDION® LIFETAB® P7332 tablet will be sold exclusively at ALDI stores in the United States. This product will be offered as a Special …

Tags:Germany| tablets| USA

Zytronic raises the bar on interactive signage at ISE

by Isaac Oburu

Zytronic, the leading manufacturer and developer of advanced, rugged Projected Capacitive Technology (PCT™ and MPCT™) touch screens will be raising the bar on interactive digital signage at ISE in Amsterdam (8E-210), showing a massive …

Tags:Digital Signage| Events| LFD - Large Format Display

Vivo Launches Next Generation All-metal Smartphone X6

by Isaac Oburu

Vivo has officially announced the launch of the latest product Vivo X6, the all-metal body smartphone, at the press conference in Beijing on November 30. Vivo’s global press conference returns to the Water Cube …

Tags:China| Mobile Phones