Helen Vince


Simulator Design Wins Announced at I/ITSEC 2014

by Helen Vince

Simulators – Several design wins were announced at I/ITSEC 2014. 3D perception used I/ITSEC to announce several design wins for its screen and auto-calibration technology called Northstar.  One was a visual solution for ETC Simulation’s incident …

Tags:I/ITSEC 2014| Large Display Monitor| Military & Defence| Simulation| Vol 21 - Issue 49

Google Adding Patents for Wearable Devices

by Helen Vince

Augmented Reality – While many analysts are discussing a potential market exit for Google Glass, Google is adding patents in this field, according to the US patent office. When searching the USPTO for patents assigned …

Tags:Google| Google Glass| Mobile Display Monitor| Patents| Vol 21 - Issue 49

What Will the Apple Watch Do to the Smartwatch Market?

by Helen Vince

Smartwatch – Since Apple announced its Apple Watch with a release date of “some time” in 2015,  many asked why Apple would make such an announcement without having the device ready for shipment. This is a …

Tags:Apple Watch (iWatch)| Smartwatches| Vol 21 - Issue 49| Wearable Market

Scalable and MetaVR Describe Design Wins

by Helen Vince

Simulation & Training – The US Army recently purchased 300 new licenses of MetaVR visuals for embedded training in its Universal Ground Control Stations and for Institutional Mission Simulators.  The Army uses MetaVR Virtual Reality …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Laser Projectors| Military & Defence| Simulation| sony| Vol 21 - Issue 49

Inflection Points in the TV and Notebook Markets

by Helen Vince

TV – Analysts are always looking for inflection points – moments when lines on charts start to move in different directions.I spotted a couple in the last week. The Asus NX500 uses QDs to deliver …

Tags:Quantum Dots| TV Reception| TVs (TV Sets)| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 21 - Issue 48

Wearable Sensor Market Set to Explode

by Helen Vince

Wearables – There is a coming age of sensors just around the corner, if you are a believer in the technology wave set to take over consumer electronics beginning (you guessed it) NOW. And that …

Tags:IHS Markit| Mobile Display Monitor| Sensors| Vol 21 - Issue 49| Wearable Market

STEM and 3D

by Helen Vince

3D in Education – 3D continues to be a topic of interest at national and regional STEM conferences. (STEM is an acronym for [applied] science, technology, engineering and math.) On that note, I recently attended the …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| Education| Vol 21 - Issue 49