Emory Kale


Korean Premium OLED Display Exports Weather Economic Headwinds

by Emory Kale

The Korean Display Industry Association (KDIA) has released its most recent analysis of the display industry’s exports and it shows the importance of the industry to Korea’s high-tech economy but also the impact of sluggish demand for electronics goods.

Tags:KDIA| Korea| LCD| OLED

PlayNitride Upping MicroLED Wafer Production

by Emory Kale

At Semicon Taiwan this week, the company will be showing a 0.49-inch MicroLED module for AR glasses with 4,536 PPI and a brightness surpassing 100,000 nits.

Tags:Augmented Reality| MicroLED| PlayNitride

Transparent Displays, Photovoltaics, and the Multipurpose Window

by Emory Kale

New developments in energy-generating glass suggest a new paradigm for architecture and design, one in which a transparency is just a canvas for many more applications.

Tags:Perovskite| showcase| Transparent Displays| Transparent Semiconductors