Damir Lokas


LG Display Reports Q4 2017 Results

by Damir Lokas

LG Display today reported unaudited earnings results based on consolidated K-IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) for the three-month period ending December 31, 2017. Revenues in the fourth quarter of 2017 increased by 2% to …

Tags:LG Displays (LGD)

VidTrans 2018 Includes Multivendor IS-06 Demonstration

by Damir Lokas

The Video Services Forum is pleased to announce a major industry interoperability demonstration of the latest technologies for transporting uncompressed video and audio over IP networks. This interop event will take place during VidTrans …

Tags:Video Services Forum (VSF)

Leader Test Instruments Chosen for 4K HDR APAC Sports OB

by Damir Lokas

Seventy Leader test instruments have been chosen to perform signal monitoring at one of the largest outside broadcast projects in the 2018 sports calendar. Approximately 90 nations will compete in over 100 tournaments embracing …