Bob Raikes


Google Glass App Controls Wheelchair

by Bob Raikes

We spotted an article on the Health Tech Insider site about a new app that allows disabled wheelchair users to control them using Google Glass. The full article is here.

Tags:Google Glass| SmartGlasses

SMI Shows First Eye Tracking Upgrade for Augmented Reality Glasses

by Bob Raikes

At the 2015 Siggraph Conference, SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) shows the world’s first Eye Tracking Integration for augmented reality, based on Epson’s Moverio BT-200 see-through head mounted display and on SMI’s mobile eye tracking platform. …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Eyewear| Gaze Recognition| Siggraph 2015


Epson Unveils High-Definition 720p Home Theater Projector

by Bob Raikes

Home Cinema 740HD Offers High Definition, High Brightness, Flexible Setup and Portability at an Affordable Price LONG BEACH, Calif., Aug. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Epson, the number-one projector manufacturer in the world1, today expanded …

Tags:Epson| Home Cinema| LCD Projectors (3LCD)

IHS Conference Outline Released

by Bob Raikes

The IHS Business conference 2015 will take place in Berlin at IFA, the global trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances. The fifth edition of the IHS Business Conference is a half day …

Tags:IFA 2015| IHS Markit

ATEME Brings Premium Viewing Experiences to Life in Your Living Room

by Bob Raikes

ATEME TITAN Software Transcoder Supports UHD with HDR for Exodus: Gods and Kings LOS ANGELES, PARIS, SINGAPORE, 4 AUGUST, 2015 ATEME announced today that together with Twentieth Century Fox, the two companies have enhanced …

Tags:ATEME| HDR - High Dynamic Range

Nvidia Shield Recalled

by Bob Raikes

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a recall for the Nvidia Shield 8″ tablet. WASHINGTON, July 31, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is an independent federal agency …

Tags:Batteries| Health and Safety| Nvidia| tablets| warranty

Nokia Agrees to Sell Mapping Business to Auto Companies

by Bob Raikes

A consortium of Audi, BMW and Daimler has agreed to buy the HERE digital mapping and location services business from Nokia. Nokia completes next stage of transformation with agreement to sell HERE to automotive …

Tags:Automotive| GPS| Nokia