Year: 2022


Airties Deal Completed

by Bob Raikes

What They Say As it completes its sale to a private equity firm, Providence Equity Partners, Airties has appointed Tony Ball, former chairman of Kabel Deutschland and CEO of BSkyB, as Chairman of the …

Tags:Mergers & Acquisitions| Wi-Fi

SmartTV Sales Down in Russia

by Bob Raikes

What They Say A report from Russia said, based on data from J’son & Partners, that sales in 2021 of SmartTVs in Russia were down at 4.56 million sets, lower than in 2020. The …

Tags:Market Data| Russia| Smart TV| Ukraine

Taiwan Panel Makers Down, Still

by Bob Raikes

What They Say AUO and Innolux released their financial results for June. AUO was down 5.8% on May and 39% on June 2021 in revenue to $694 million. For the year, the firm is …

Tags:AUO| Financial Data| Innolux| Large LCD Supply| Taiwan

ViewSonic Expands Line with New OMNI Curved Gaming Monitor

by Artem Alekseenko

ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, announces an expansion of its gaming line with the launch of the new ViewSonic OMNI™ gaming monitor, the VX2418C. This 24-inch curved screen monitor features …

Tags:Curved Displays| Desktop Monitors| ViewSonic

Advanced TV Market Continues to Grow in 2022

by Bob O'Brien

Although the display industry is having a difficult year, the Advanced TV market continued to grow Y/Y in Q1 2022, and this segment of the industry continues to look promising. In this round of …

Tags:Hisense| LG Electronics (LGE)| Market Data| MiniLED| OLED TVs| Samsung| sony| TCL| TVs (TV Sets)| Vizio

Xperi Expands on the Vewd Acquisition

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The acquisition of Vewd by Xperi (the owner of Tivo) was announced a couple of days ago (Xperi Acquires Vewd Software) and Next|TV caught up with the Experi Products Chief, Geir …

Tags:Android| Google| Roku| Tivo| TVs (TV Sets)

The Alternative for MultiTaction Video Walls

by Artem Alekseenko

MultiTaction disrupted the market with innovative touch displays in 2007 for building large interactive video walls, combining an offer of both hardware and software. It has been used in museums, executive boardrooms, educational institutions, …

Tags:Touch Displays| Video Walls

Displax Aims at Multitaction Prospects

by Bob Raikes

What They Say We are publishing a release from Displax, the Portugese maker of large touch displays and Intuiface which supplies software. The release pointed out a blog post that we had missed in …

Tags:Interactive Displays| Touch Market| Video Walls