Year: 2022


A New Opportunity For Display Participants in Taiwan

by Ian Hendy

I am always fascinated by disruptive changes in our display landscape: (i) players moving in new directions (such as Tianma’s announcement that it plans a large panel fab, broadening its market scope from being …

Tags:LCD Backlights| MicroLED| MiniLED| Taiwan

TCL Settles 120Hz Class Action in California Out of Court

by Bob Raikes

What They Say A class action in California has been settled by TCL for $2.9 million over a claim by TCL that its sets were deceptively advertised as having “120Hz CMI,” “120Hz Clear Motion …

Tags:Advertising| Litigation| TCL| TVs (TV Sets)| USA

Another Nervous Automotive Display Teased by AUO

by Bob Raikes

We have reported a couple of times on the Shytech technology from Continental that is being developed for hiding the displays of vehicles under the dashboard. (A Deeper Dive into the Hidden Display in …

Tags:AUO| Automotive| Foldable Devices| MicroLED| Rollable Devices| Rollable Displays| Stretchable Materials

Samsung Display and LG Display developing OLEDoS and LEDoS techs

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Elec reports that Samsung Display has joined LG Display in developing OLED on silicon microdisplays and that they are both developing LED on silicon technology. The blog reports that SDC …

Tags:Microdisplays| MicroLED| OLEDs

LCD Oversupply Will Persist Through 2023

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Gloomy news this week from DSCC which has looked ahead to try to see where the oversupply in the LCD business might come to an end. However, the firm’s forecast puts …

Tags:China| Forecasts| Large LCD Supply| Market Data| MicroLED