Year: 2022


Peerless AV Event – London – Part 2

by Bob Raikes

Yesterday we had the first part (Peerless AV Event – London – Part 1) of our report on the recent Peerless event in London that gave a chance for AV brands to meet their partners …

Tags:Collaboration| Interactive Displays| LFD - Large Format Display| NEC| Pro AV| sharp

Now Trending in Education: Planning Makes a Comeback

by Len Scrogan

Do you wonder what’s trending these days in the education arena? Today’s instalment continues our four-part effort in spotlighting post-pandemic trends now shaping the K12 and university market. Prior to the onset of the …


Peerless AV Event – London – Part 1

by Bob Raikes

Peerless AV once again held an event for AV brands at the Lords cricket ground in London. As I missed ISE this year because of the clash with Display Week, I was happy to …

Tags:Absen| Digital Signage| Events| Hospitality TVs| Kiosks| LFD - Large Format Display| Samsung| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP

20220912 111135 UHD Forum

IBC 2022 Round-Up – Codecs and Broadcast

by Bob Raikes

As well as our dash around the monitor and virtual production topics at IBC, we stopped in with a small number of other exhibitors that have in the past shown interesting technology developments. The …

Tags:Codecs| DVB| EBU| IBC 2022| LC Materials (Liquid Crystal)| Light Field Displays| NHK| UltraHD (4KTV)| UltraHD Alliance

LEDs for Virtual Production at IBC

by Bob Raikes

There were many fewer LED makers at IBC this year, I thought, with a number of notable absentees. Those makers that were there (Absen, Aoto, Infiled and ROE) and were the main ones) were …

Tags:Content Creation| IBC 2022| LED| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Virtual Sets

Global XR (AR & VR Headsets) Shipments Market Share: By Quarter

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Counterpoint Research published some data on the development of the VR and AR markets. The firm said: Global XR  shipment volume grew by 4% YoY, which was underwhelming for an industry …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Market Data| Virtual Reality

Google Shutting Stadia – Logitech Goes for Cloud Gaming

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Google is shutting down its Stadia cloud gaming platform from January 2023 it said in a blog post. Specialists in gaming suggest that the service suffered from a weak selection of …

Tags:Cloud Gaming| Consoles| Google

LG Display Demos 30″ Transparent OLED at Innotrans

by Bob Raikes

What They Say LG Display showed a new 30″ transparent OLED panel at Innotrans in Berlin at the end of September. The new size is shown in a YouTube video. OLED Info reported that …

Tags:Glass| LG Displays (LGD)| OLEDs| Transparent Displays| Transport

Amazon Echo Show 15 Gets FireTV

by Bob Raikes

  What They Say When Amazon released its latest set of products recently, one of the features that it updated was to add Fire TV to the Echo Show 15 smart displays, effectively turning …

Tags:Amazon| Streaming Video| TVs (TV Sets)| Voice Input

kindle scribe 3 proc

Amazon’s Newest Kindle Comes With a Stylus for Writing

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Amazon has a new Kindle Scribe that will add stylus support with a device that will snap magnetically to the 10.2″ E Ink display in the Premium version. A basic pen …

Tags:Amazon| EPD (Electrophoretic)| eReaders