Year: 2022


California Approves the Use of Digital Licence Plates

by Bob Raikes

What They Say California has published legislation (AB 984) allowing the use of electronic licence plates for vehicles. The state previously had a pilot programme. (Michigan Allows Digital Licence Plates). Reviver said that its …

Tags:Automotive| E Ink| USA

Panasonic Shiftall Announced at AWE Europe

by Bob Raikes

  What They Say Panasonic’s Shiftall subsidiary has showed the most recent versions of its MeganeX VR headset which has: Dual 2560 x 2560 1.3″ displays @120Hz with HDR FOV is said to be …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Kopin| Microdisplays| Mixed Reality| OLEDs| Panasonic

New ITZO Material has Higher Mobility

by Bob Raikes

What They Say A group of researchers from the Hokkaido University in Japan has developed a new material it is calling ‘ITZO’ for its constituent elements indium, tin, zinc and oxygen) promises to be …

Tags:Oxide TFTs| R&D (Research & Development)

German TV Market Well Down in Q3

by Bob Raikes

What They Say If the LCD industry is to recover, it needs some demand stimulation, but that is not going to come quickly from Germany as, according to the latest data from the GfU, …

Tags:Germany| Market Data| TVs (TV Sets)

Quantum Dot and MiniLED: Can it empower AR/VR/MR displays? Part 1

by Sweta Dash

Meta introduced its “Meta Quest Pro” high-end mixed reality device at the Meta Connect event this month. It is expected to be available for purchase in October 25th for $1499.99. According to Meta, they …

Tags:HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| MiniLED| Mixed Reality| Phosphors| Quantum Dots| Virtual Reality

Quantum Dot and MiniLED: Can it empower AR/VR/MR displays? Part 2

by Sweta Dash

Display requirements are different for VR (and pass-through AR) and see-through AR. For VR (and pass-through AR) most displays are based on TFT LCD and AMOLED. In general, immersive display needs are as follows: …

Tags:HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| MiniLED| Mixed Reality| Phosphors| Quantum Dots| Virtual Reality

VESA Releases DisplayPort 2.1 Specification

by Artem Alekseenko

The Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA®) announced that it has released DisplayPort 2.1, the latest version of the DisplayPort specification, which is backward compatible with and supersedes the previous version of DisplayPort (DisplayPort 2.0). …

Tags:DisplayPort| VESA

Roku to Launch New Smart Home Products at Walmart

by Artem Alekseenko

Roku, Inc. and Walmart announced the launch of Roku’s new suite of smart home products, including security cameras, video doorbells, lighting, plugs, and more. This expansion of Roku’s product line provides a broad offering …

Tags:Roku| Smart Home & Home Networks

PPDS Unveils New 32:9 Philips S-Line Digital Signage ‘Stretch’ Series

by Artem Alekseenko

PPDS, the exclusive global provider of Philips professional displays and solutions, is excited to announce the debut of Philips S-Line – a series of stretched digital signage displays, bringing new creative possibilities for high-impact …

Tags:Digital Signage| Philips| Stretched Displays