Taiwan Panel Makers Booked M/M Revenue Increase in September; Have They Hit Bottom?

What They Say

We reported on the results of the main Taiwanese panel makers last week and DSCC has gone further by publishing the trend for the results over the last year, showing that revenues may have ‘bottomed out’ finally.  DSCC points out that AUO’s price per sq metre (based on revenue/area) did not decrease, but increased on a monthly basis, although down to $418 per m². However, ASPs for Hannstar and Innolux did go down.

What We Think

We can just hope that this marks if not a recovery in the panel price, at least the ‘end of the beginning’ of the Crystal cycle. We need more boosts in demand to really have an impact on panel pricing, or a major change in the supply side. (BR)

 Taiwanese panels procSource: Company Revenue Statements, DSCC analysis & image