Year: 2022


Kulicke and Soffa received new purchase orders f

by Bob Raikes

What They Say In a press release last month (apologies, we missed it at the time!), Kulicke & Soffa said that it has nlw received POs from two different customers for its Luminex laser-based …

Tags:MicroLED| MiniLED| Production Equipment

Links Mid-Week – Week Ending 17th June 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the middle of this week. Would You Buy the World’s First Laptop With …

Tags:Apple| CPUs| CRT| Dell| Desktop Monitors| DisplayLink| E Ink| EBU| EPD (Electrophoretic)| Financial Data| Intel| LCD displays| LED| Litigation| Monopolies (Anti Trust)| Notebooks| Semiconductors| Smart TV| Sports and Stadiums| TCL| Testing| USA


Acer Reports May Up 15.4% Month-on-Month

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Acer said that its revenues were down 10.6% from 2021 in May although up 15.4% on April to $743 million. For the year so far, sales were down 1.3% to $4.02 …

Tags:Acer| Financial Data

OLED Emitter Materials at Display Week – a Round-up

by Bob Raikes

I make no apology for returning to a 20 year topic in the display industry, blue for OLEDs. Blue has often been a challenge for displays and optical devices because of the high energy …

Tags:OLED Materials| SID Display Week 2022| UDC

Excess Inventory Acts as a Gale-Force Headwind for Display Industry

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Earlier this week, DSCC published a blog article characterising the inventory issues in the supply chain as acting like a “Gale-Force Headwind for Display Industry” and the Nikkey reinforced this idea …

Tags:Display Supply & Demand| Retailers| Supply Chain| USA

Links Week Starting 13th June 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the first part of this week. (I’m still catching up after Display Week!) …

Tags:Advertising| Application Processors| ATSC| Augmented Reality| Desktop Monitors| Game Playing| Market Data| Mediatek| Metasurfaces| Optics| Qualcomm| Realtek| Samsung| TPV (TP Vision)| TVs (TV Sets)| Virtual Sets

RealWear AR devices being used by MAN Commercial Vehicles

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Auganix reports that MAN commercial vehicles in Romania is seeing a reduced time-to-diagnosis by 75% and cut specialists’ travel time in half following the introduction of the use of RealWear Assisted-reality …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Automotive| Europe

Microsoft Says Hololens Reached A Huge Milestone for Military

by Bob Raikes

What They Say After last week’s talk of problems with the Microsoft Hololens and its challenges in the big defence contract that it has in the US, VR Times reports Microsoft chief AI and …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Microsoft| Military & Defence