Year: 2022


Downtrends in Education: SXSW EDU 2023, Part II

by Len Scrogan

Continuing from our previous installment, “Scanning the Horizon at SXSW EDU 2023”, today’s segment focuses on some technologies and topics that seem to be down-gearing, at least in the education market. For context, the …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Editor| Education| The Metaverse| Virtual Reality

Meta Introduces the Infinite Display

by Omid Rahmat

In a blog post on its site, Meta has introduced a new system for VR optics called the Infinite Display. The company is partly aiming to offset the criticism of its spending on VR …


Apple’s Got New Screens Coming in 2023

by Omid Rahmat

What They Say Bloomberg’s Apple stalker, Mark Gurman, has the Apple stans speculating about multiple standalone external Mac displays in 2023. All we can be certain of is that one is an updated version …

Flanders Scientific Introduces the 16″ DM160 OLED

by Artem Alekseenko

Weighing in at just 5.8lbs (2.6kg) the DM160 is an extremely lightweight, high-contrast 16″ OLED monitor designed for use in color critical production, post, and broadcast applications. Industry leading fast mode processing, a durable …

Tags:OLED Monitors

Where and Who You Are in VR Has a Real Impact, Study Finds

by Omid Rahmat

What They Say A study in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication studied how the ability to completely transform oneself in virtual environments could lead to positive psychological outcomes.  A key takeaway from these results …

Update on Arcadia Cinema

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Last week I wrote about a PLF cinema facility in Italy that was upgrading to 100,000 lumens with an extra laser light source to show the new Avatar movie (Arcadia Cinema: …

Tags:3D Cinema| 6p Laser| Italy| Laser Projectors

Zytronic’s Enlivens Ancient Texts with Its Technology

by Omid Rahmat

What They Say The German publication, Invidis, has a written about the use of Zytronic’s ultra-thin touch technology by the Seoul National Library. Essentially, the image of the actual texts is projected onto a blank …

Foxconn Eases China Factory Restrictions

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Foxconn has ended most of the restrictions on its factory in Zhengzhou, China including the “point-to-point” system, in which employees had to restrict daily movements to between their dormitories and the campus.  …

Tags:Apple| Covid-19| Foxconn (Honhai)| Supply Chain

Q3 2022 smartphone

Global Smartphone Shipment Market Share – Q3 2022

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Counterpoint Research published an infographic on the smartphone market in Q3 2022. Some highlights were: The global smartphone market declined by 12% YoY but grew 3% QoQ to 301.9 million units …

Tags:Apple| Market Data| Samsung| Smartphone Market