Wide is the brand used by Foreseeson for its monitors although it was also showing an operating room monitor under the FSN brand with a new eight input controller box that can accept a wide range of inputs and display them in any arbitrary configuration of PbP or PiP on an UltraHD monitor, such as the 55″ version that was being shown. However, this particular monitor is EOL and the company is about to release a whole range of UltraHD monitors in 19″, 27″, 31″, 46″, 58″ and 65″. Although UltraHD is becoming pervasive in TV production and other areas, staff told us that there have been delays in getting this resolution into medical applications such as endoscopy, with a number of German suppliers apparently deferring the launch of products by up to a year from their original dates.
FSN’s 4K Controller allows up to eight inputs to be arranged on screen. Image:Meko
There is strong demand for more and more resolution in this application, we heard, with some wanting to move to 8K as soon as possible, although there are practical difficulties at this stage. Challenges include getting recording equipment and the level of storage needed for this kind of imagery.
Turning to the Wide diagnostic monitors, there were no new products although some were only first shown at RSNA last year. In mammography, there was a new high brightness monochrome model that can be calibrated to 1,000 cd/m². The company also has colour monitors that can be used for diagnostics.
The Wide diagnostic Monitors were released at RSNA. Image:Meko
Wide told us that it has a ‘unique feature’, a task light at the bottom of the monitor. It was our duty to inform them that we had seen the idea on at least three other booths! The company does claim to have been the first to introduce the idea and the implementation is neat, with a hinged LED that can be pointed down to the desk or swivelled to point to the wall behind the monitor.
Wide claims to have created their task light first! Image:Meko