
Worldwide Tablet Market to Rebound…

IDC released data for the tablet market both globally and in Europe.

Globally, the firm expects tablet shipments to decline by 12% in 2016 to 182.3 million. The market is expected to rebound in 2018, but growth will be in the ‘low single digits’ because of the development of detachable tablets. The growth in sales of detachable tablets or convertible PCs is helping to grow ASPs.

From a geographic perspective, emerging markets will continue to decline until 2018 and then growth will flatten out in the following two years. Although these markets are forecast to show growth in the detachable segment, the disproportionate decline in slate tablets ensures no growth until 2020. Meanwhile, mature markets will experience positive single-digit growth until 2020 as the decline in slate tablets is offset by the growth in detachable tablets.

IDC tablets by size

IDC tablets by region