
VDA Standard Regulates Important Planning Processes to Indemnify the Display’s Functionality

Electronic-Displays-Center Gundersheim, March 21st 2017. A bit cheaper of this, a little bit less of that – by this procedure the display fails in the field. Klaus Wammes, Managing Director of Wammes & Partner GmbH is monitoring an ever-increasing failure rate for displays.

As general specifications are lacking, manufacturers are often technically arbitrary and only cost-driven by their selection and composition of the components. And yet, according to the expert for display technology the VDA standard (German Association of the Automotive Industry) also helps to regulate processes in the production of displays and to preventive ensure its function.

“Incorrectly motivated by supposed cost savings, display manufacturers are increasingly trying to force cheaper, more cost-effective materials or components. What initially saves money and somehow works at the beginning, fails at the end in continuous use. Physics is unavoidable. All implemented parts are interdependend to each other and cannot be easily exchanged. Therefore, the VDA standard is not another cliché-German flood of obligations. From a regulatory perspective, it defines planning processes for the preventive safeguarding of processes and resources. From a technical point of view, it ensures functional displays” explains Wammes.

The „Schadteilanalyse Feld“ (field analysis of defects) regulates the minimum requirements of new products that are developed for standard applications before they are launch for the market. To this end, it introduces a planning process. It ensures that boundary values, characteristics as well as inspection equipment are defined for the relevant functions and properties. The analysis of defects itself is integrated into the agreed procedure for product and process approval. The “Normenausschuss Automobiltechnik” (standards committee for automotive engineering), an institute of the VDA and the DIN, determines interfaces to basic safety requirements, product quality and rationalization. Finally, the methodical approach “No Trouble Found” (NTF) also makes it possible to avoid not easily reproducible errors.

In this NTF process, a problem issue is analyzed by data collection and evaluation, system checking and process review. Wammes: “For this purpose, all relevant data are compiled and examined using appropriate methods based on triggering criteria agreed upon in the planning phase. With the aim of gaining new insights, manufacturers can actually save money. Costs would otherwise necessarily emerge through quality problems and recourse claims due to failing components or systems.