Vol 25 - Issue 16


Optovate Ltd Reveals Further Details Of Its Micro-LED Technology

by Bob Raikes

Optovate has revealed further details of its innovative micro-LED technology, following its first technology announcement in March 2018. Optovate has since 2008 been developing catadioptric micro-optic arrays to enhance the benefits of micro-LED, mini-LED …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2018| Vol 25 - Issue 16

Tim Cook Debunks macOS and iOS Merging Rumours

by Andrew Fenn

After months of rumours, Apple CEO Tim Cook has finally put paid to reports that iOS and macOS are to be merged. (Apple Reported to be Unifying iOS and MacOS) Speaking to the Sydney …

Tags:Apple| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Operating Systems| Vol 25 - Issue 16

Google Chrome 66 Adds WebVR Support for PC VR Headsets

by Andrew Fenn

Chrome 66, the most recent version of Google’s web browser, has added support for WebVR, a set of APIs for browser-based VR. Support extends to all major PC VR headsets including HTC Vive, Oculus …

Tags:AR/VR| Chrome| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 16

iiyama Extends LFD Range

by Bob Raikes

We reported on the new Iiyama PCap touch series with UltraHD range from ISE (ISE 2018 Roundup), and the company has now extended the range to include non-touch displays in sizes of 43″, 50″, …

Tags:Iiyama| Large Display Monitor| LFD - Large Format Display| Vol 25 - Issue 16

IFA Global Press Conference Highlights 8K and QDs

by Bob Raikes

IFA hosted its Global Press Conference in Rome and a highlight was the formal release of the Sharp 70″ 8K monitor (Sharp 8K Monitor Now in Europe). Of course, there is not going to …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 25 - Issue 16


WSJ Reports Problems for LGD Flexible OLEDs

by Milos Pavlovic

The Wall St Journal reports that Apple’s attempts to use LG Display as a secondary supplier for flexible OLEDs has hit trouble as LG Display has not been able to keep up with the …

Tags:AMOLED| Apple| iPhone| LG Displays (LGD)| Mobile Display Monitor| Small Medium Panel Supply| Vol 25 - Issue 16

iF Design Award for BenQ Content Management System

by Andrew Fenn

BenQ’s X-Sign content management software has been awarded the internationally recognised iF Design Award for ‘Service Design’ in the UX category. X-Sign enables users to create, schedule, distribute and monitor interactive content all in …

Tags:Awards| Back Panel| Content Management (CMS)| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 16

Spanish Military Academy Using Projection Tech in New Simulator

by Andrew Fenn

The Artillery of Segovia military academy in Spain has introduced a new type of simulator, in collaboration with Norwegian projection company Norxe and Spanish AV integrator Ingevideo SA, according to Invidis. Tecnobit’s camp artillery …

Tags:Back Panel| DLP Projectors| Large Display Monitor| Simulation| Vol 25 - Issue 16

IHS: AMOLED Panel Shipment Area to More Than Quadruple by 2024

by Andrew Fenn

With growing demand for AMOLED TV panels, panel shipments by area are forecast to more than quadruple to 22.4 million m² by 2024, according to IHS Markit. Shipments of AMOLED TV panels doubled to …

Tags:IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| OLED Fabs| OLEDs| Vol 25 - Issue 16

Samsung Launches First U.S. LED Cinema Screen along with Post Production Facility

by Chris Chinnock

I had a chance to visit the first U.S.-based post production facility and commercial theaters in Los Angeles just prior to CinemaCon – both featuring Samsung’s LED technology. These are important milestones for Samsung …

Tags:Cinema| CinemaCon 2018| HDR - High Dynamic Range| LED| Samsung| Vol 25 - Issue 16

Sigma Designs Result 20/04/2018

by Vijaya

Sigma Designs reported net revenue of $26.5 million for Q4 2018, a massive decline of $16.1 million in revenues, compared to the revenue of $42.7 million reported in Q4 2017. The company reported the …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Sigma Designs| Vol 25 - Issue 16

Breakthrough in Low Power Video Capture

by Bob Raikes

A group of engineers at the University of Washington has developed a way of transmitting video data direct from a camera module that is directly connected to an antenna to reduce power consumption by …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Codecs| Mobile Display Monitor| R&D (Research & Development)| Vol 25 - Issue 16