Vol 24 - Issue 02


Sony Adopts Dolby Vision for OLED and LCD TVs

by Chris Chinnock

We had a chance to attend the Sony press conference and tour their booth at CES 2017. TV highlights included: First OLED TV with Crystal Sound (AX1 series) New WCG/HDR LCD TVs (X930E/940E series) …

Tags:CES 2017| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| OLED TVs| sony| Vol 24 - Issue 02| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

ICDM Meeting Fixed

by Yvette Raikes

The next meeting of the International Committee for Display Metrology (ICDM – part of the SID) will take place near San Diego, California, from 7th to 9th March. It will be hosted by LG …

Tags:Back Panel| Events| ICDM| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 02

Apple to get into VR? Watch out for Fake News!

by Bob Raikes

Well, it’s been a busy week and we’ve been beavering away on our CES report and we had hoped to get it finished by today, but it looks as though it won’t be done …

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| Editorial| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 02

iOS Gains Against Android – Kantar

by Bob Raikes

Smartphone sales data from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech shows Android sales declined in the US, GB, and France, as iOS continued to make gains across most regions in the three months ending November 2016. iOS …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphone Market| Vol 24 - Issue 02

ClearInk and Merck Sign Development Agreement

by Yvette Raikes

A materials development agreement has been signed by ClearInk Displays and Merck KGaA which aims to bring ClearInk’s reflective display technology to market by the end of this year. Merck’s electro-optical inks support ClearInk’s …

Tags:EPD (Electrophoretic)| Large Display Monitor| Merck| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 02

Eonite Claims Tracking Solution for AR/VR

by Bob Raikes

Eonite has said that it has developed the “world’s most accurate, lowest latency, lowest power consuming software to democratize inside-out positional tracking for VR and AR.” The company has claimed that it has a …

Tags:AR/VR| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 02

Aquavision Will Show Custom TVs at ISE

by Bob Raikes

Aquavision of the UK has announced a range of professional sets with IP control and called the Nexus+ range. There are five new models with a range of options, including 16″, 22″, 27″, 32″ …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 24 - Issue 02

HP ZBook 15u is a Mobile Workstation

by Bob Raikes

HP has launched the ZBook15U, a mobile clamshell workstation that now uses the 7th Gen (Kaby Lake) Intel Core i5 and i7 processors alongside AMD FirePro professional graphics “W4190M” with up to 32GB of …

Tags:HP Inc| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Vol 24 - Issue 02

Philips Uses VR for Spinal Surgery

by Bob Raikes

Philips is developing a new augmented-reality surgical navigation technology that may allow spinal surgery using image-guided open and minimally-invasive techniques. The system exploits Philips’ low-dose X-ray systems for imaging. The results of the first …

Tags:AR/VR| Mobile Display Monitor| Philips| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 02


Apple Rumoured to be Working on Original Video Content

by Bob Raikes

Normally, we wouldn’t bother with a rumour about Apple – there are so many, but in this case, the source is the Wall St Journal. The paper said that Apple is planning to create …

Tags:Apple| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OTT Video| Vol 24 - Issue 02

Nintendo Switch will launch on March 3 for $300 / €300

by Bob Raikes

Nintendo has released details of the new Switch console, which will be released in early March (the 3rd) for $300 / €300 and will be ‘region-free’. The console will ship first in Japan followed …

Tags:Consoles| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Nintendo| Vol 24 - Issue 02

Digital Projection To Show Five Projectors at ISE

by Bob Raikes

Digital Projection said that it will show five new projectors at ISE in February. The company will have the Insight Dual Laser 27,000 lumen projector (right) with a native contrast of 2,000:1. It will …

Tags:Digital Projection Inc (DPI)| DLP Projectors| Large Display Monitor| Laser Phosphor Projectors| Vol 24 - Issue 02