

Global Tablet Market to Slightly Decline

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Digitimes Research said that it is forecasting a slight decline in the tablet business over the next four years, but will grow 1.2% next year. The researcher believes that tablet makers …

Tags:Forecasts| Market Data| tablets

OLEDs Into IT – the Whys & Wherefores

by Bob Raikes

At the DisplayForum in 2003, Barry Young, then of DisplaySearch and now of the OLED Association and a contributor to Display Daily, said that the ‘perfect’ application for OLEDs was the portable DVD player. …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Forecasts| Market Data| Notebooks| OLEDs| Smartphone Market| Supply Chain| tablets

LG Display begins development of 12.9-inch OLED iPad

by Bob Raikes

What They Say We reported a few days ago that The Elec had said that Apple and Samsung had ‘parted their ways’ on a project to introduce OLEDs for iPads. Now the blog has …

Tags:Apple| iPad| Lenovo| LG Displays (LGD)| LTPO TFT| tablets

iPad Mini 6 Having Jelly Scroll Issues

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Some iPad Mini 6 owners have been complaining that there is what is being called a ‘jelly scroll’ effect as the display ‘appears to jiggle’ when you scroll down a page …

Tags:Apple| iPad| LCD displays| tablets| warranty

System Plugs Looks (Very) Closely at Apple miniLED BLU

by Bob Raikes

What They Say System Plus (SP) in France, part of the Yole Développement group, released information about the miniLED backlight in the 12.9″ iPad Pro after a teardown with support from Yole analysts. The …

Tags:Apple| LCD Backlights| MiniLED| tablets

Tablet Market Will Accelerate in the Commercial Space

by Bob Raikes

What They Say IDC released its data for the European tablet market in Q2, which, at 11.8 million units, was 1.7% down, the first drop sine the start of the pandemic. Consumers bought fewer …

Tags:Europe| Forecasts| Market Data| tablets

Sigmaintell Forecasts MiniLED

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say Sigmaintell reported that sales of miniLED-based devices will be 3.92 million in 2021 and expects devices to reach 16 million by 2025, a CAGR of 42.1%, with TVs and tablets the …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Forecasts| Market Data| MiniLED| Notebooks| tablets| TVs (TV Sets)