Super Hi-Vision (8K)


Sharp To Re-enter Smartphone Business and Push TV

by Bob Raikes

After a day that was almost exclusively devoted to OLED, the last conference on the day before the show opening was held by the Sharp TV business (happily, there was a separate conference for …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| IFA 2017| Large Display Monitor| sharp| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 24 - Issue 33

8K Connectivity is Ready

by Chris Chinnock

Most industry attention today is on 4K and UHD/WCG, but the 8K ecosystem has been progressing over the year driven largely by NHK in Japan. The plan is to broadcast the 2020 Summer Olympics …

Tags:DisplayPort| HDMI| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| superMHL| USB| Vol 24 - Issue 28

ACCESS NetFront Browser BE v2.4 Powers HTML5-based Entertainment up to 8K

by Milos Pavlovic

ACCESS CO., LTD today announced the release of the NetFront™ Browser BE Software Development Kit v2.4 for Linux and Android platforms. The standards-based, HTML5 compliant browser provides a standards-based solution for operators looking to …

Tags:Software| Super Hi-Vision (8K)

Access NetFront Browser Goes up to 8K

by Bob Raikes

Access Co Ltd said that its NetFront Browser BE Software Development Kit v2.4 for Linux and Android platforms is now available and can support HbbTV 2.0.1, ARIB STD-B62/TR-B39 for 4K and 8K, and Encrypted …

Tags:4k| HTML5| Large Display Monitor| OTT Video| Smart TV| STBs| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD| Vol 24 - Issue 28

Uldage Begins Satellite UHD TV Patent Pool Licensing

by Bob Raikes

Uldage Inc, said that the start of patent licensing activities under the system of a patent pool that collectively, and under fair and reasonable conditions, bundles and licenses the patents that are essential to …

Tags:4k| Large Display Monitor| Patents| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD| Vol 24 - Issue 25


Sharp Developing 8K Processing

by Bob Raikes

The Nikkei Asian Review has reported that Sharp is working with Astrodesign to develop 8K video processing. Developing demand for 8K displays is part of Sharp’s mid-term plan as well as developing the supply …

Tags:4k| Large Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 24 - Issue 25

8K Touch Table for Restaurants Under Development

by Bob Raikes

The Nikkei Asian Review has posted information about the development of an 8K ‘touch table’ that is being developed for use in restaurants and other locations to allow the interaction with 8K content. The …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Touch| Vol 24 - Issue 23

8K at NAB Round up

by Chris Chinnock

We did not do an exhaustive search for 8K equipment, but did run across a few demos. NHK was in the North Hall as usual with their 8K theater. This featured a 350” diagonal …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 24 - Issue 17

Spin Digital Plans 8KP120 at NAB

by Bob Raikes

Spin Digital of Berlin, Germany, said that it would show a new HEVC/H.265 video player and SDK at NAB that supports decoding up to 8KP120 formats with 4:2:2, 4:4:4 and RGB colour up to …

Tags:4k| Large Display Monitor| NAB 2017| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 24 - Issue 15

Uldage Calls for Patents Essential to 4K/8K for IPTV and CATV

by Alan Spencer

Earlier this month, Uldage called for patents essential to the standards of 4K/8K TV broadcasting, applicable to IPTV and CATV, in order to setup a license programme. Uldage (United License for the Digital Age), …

Tags:4k| Japan| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Patents| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 24 - Issue 13

Japan On Track for 50% of Homes to Have 4K TV by 2020

by Alan Spencer

According to Broadband TV News, Japan is likely to meet its target of UHD TV subscriptions by 2020, according to Suga Masayuki, the deputy director of Japan’s ministry of internal affairs and communications. Japan …

Tags:4k| Japan| Large Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 24 - Issue 13

8K Display Used for Cancer Treatment Research

by Bob Raikes

We didn’t spot it at the time, but it looked as though readers might still be interested in a project being undertaken by the National Cancer Center Hospital in Japan to use 8K displays …

Tags:4k| Japan| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 24 - Issue 14