

MicroLEDs: The Future of Displays is When?

by Emory Kale

Fundamentally, handling large numbers of tiny MicroLED chips while maintaining precision across large display areas represents an enormous manufacturing challenge.

Tags:LCD| Manufacturing| MicroLED| OLED| showcase

Vizio Wants to Work With Other TV OEMS

by Omid Rahmat

The TV OEM landscape has to change, and the middle tier of brands are going to get squeezed out of the business of delivering displays.

Tags:Advertising| Connected TV| showcase| Smart TV| Vizio

Everdisplay flexible AMOLED panel

OLED Panel Shipments See Strong Q3 Growth

by Shawnee Blackwood

OLED smartphone panel shipments grew 25% YoY, while OLED TV panels declined 40% versus last year.

Tags:BOE| DSCC| LG| Market Data| OLED| Samsung| showcase| TCL CSOT| Visionox

The Long Road to Vibrant Vistas on Digital Paper

by Shawnee Blackwood

Digital paper has a lot of advantages over traditional paper for commercial use, and color ePaper makes a transition even more attractive.

Tags:Digital Signage| e-ink| ePaper| sharp| showcase