

VR Missing Out on Black Friday Again?

by Norbert Hildebrand

If you are located anywhere in the world outside the USA, you may have heard of the Thanksgiving holiday, which is celebrated in many other countries in similar ways, just on different days. In …

Tags:Black Friday| Pricing| Retail| Smartphone Market| TV (Television)| Virtual Reality

BOE Forms JV to Exploit ESLs and Associated Systems

by Ken Werner

In May, BOE, SES-Imagotag, and JD Digits announced the formation of a joint venture “to provide smart solutions to support the digitalization of physical retail” that is, electronic shelf labels (ESLs) and supporting technologies. …

Tags:BOE| E Ink| EPD (Electrophoretic)| Retail

5G Opens the Door to New AV Opportunities, Interaction

by Andy Marken

Alex Wallace, Verizon Media’s GM of news, entertainment and studios perhaps summed up the impact 5G is going to have on the M&E industry — especially when it comes to increasingly personalized DOOH/AV (digital …

Tags:5G| Digital Signage| DOOH| Retail

MediaMarkt Sweden Developing Value Add Services in Display Colour

by Martin Fishman

In recent years, the display industry’s technology and color science has enabled extensive opportunities for channels to optimize the consumer experience. Major Retailers including MediaMarkt and independent professional color calibrators worldwide are now embracing …

Tags:Colour Quality| Display Calibration| MediaMarkt (Saturn)| Retail| Sweden

What Bob Saw on the Net 30/05/2019

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) LG …

Tags:Europe| Huawei| LG Displays (LGD)| OLED TVs| Retail| Samsung Display| Semiconductors| TSMC| USA| Vapour Deposition| warranty

What Bob Saw Around the Net…. 27/11/2018

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) OLED …

Tags:5G| Apple| audio| DCI Compliance| Flight Information (FIDs)| HDR - High Dynamic Range| LED| LTPS TFT| NEC| OLED Fabs| Retail| Samsung| Small Medium Panel Supply| Smartphones| Streaming Dongles| Volumetric Displays

What Bob Saw on the Net 07/06/2019

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) A …

Tags:BOE| Germany| HDR - High Dynamic Range| IHS Markit| Manufacturing| MicroLED| Microsoft| OTT Video| Patents| PlayStation| Retail| Samsung| TV Viewing

What Bob Saw on the Net 29/01/2020

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Coronavirus, …

Tags:China| Desktop Monitors| Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Game Playing| Lenovo| MicroLED| MiniLED| Motorola| Retail| Smartphones| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Virtual Reality

What Bob Saw Around the Net…. 04/12/2018

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Apple …

Tags:5G| Apple| CPUs| Gesture Recognition| GPUs| LED| Nvidia| OLEDs| Retail| Smartphones

What Bob Saw on the Net 28/06/2019

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Report: …

Tags:5G| Environment| Pay TV| Retail| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Smartphones| Streaming Video| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Touch Displays| Video Walls| Virtual Reality| VOD

What Bob Saw on the Net 30/01/2020

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Sharp …

Tags:Cinema| Digital Signage| Microdisplays| OLEDs| QSRs & Menu Boards| Retail| sharp| SID Display Week 2020| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| TVs (TV Sets)| USA

What Bob Saw Around the Net…. 11/12/2018

by Bob Raikes

Most days, our editor, Bob, spends some time looking around the net for news. Here are some articles and links that he thought worth sharing… (note that registration or subscriptions may be required!) Shipments …

Tags:CES 2019| Digital Signage| LED| Retail| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Transport| UltraHD| Video Walls| Virtual Reality