

Scanning the Horizon at SXSW Online

by Len Scrogan

One of the most predictive technology conferences today is the world-renown SXSW conference. On three occasions, I have been chosen by crowdsourced voting to be a speaker. This year, due to the Rona, the …

Tags:Covid-19| Education| Events| Location-based Entertainment (LBE)| Market| Retail

2020 Changes US Retail Holiday Purchasing

by Bob Raikes

This year, the unique circumstances of 2020 meant a big change in holiday purchasing in the US market, according to US retail data specialist NPD. I listened to the NPD presentations, twice, as the …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Market Data| NPD| Retail| TVs (TV Sets)| USA

Innoscentia adopts Ynvisible displays for dynamic food labels

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Electrochromic display supplier, Ynvisible, has supplied displays to Innoscentia which is developing date labels on food packages. The firm said that Innoscentia is also using Ynvisible’s R&D services and has developed …

Tags:Electrochromic Displays| Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs)| Retail

Back From The Dead

by Pete Putman

A recent press release caused a raised eyebrow here…but perhaps it shouldn’t have. On November 19, Venture capital firm Retail Ecommerce Ventures (REV) “…announced its purchase of certain iconic RadioShack brands and related assets.” …

Tags:Retail| USA

New: Professional TV calibration at Media Markt and Saturn!

by Bob Raikes

What They Say reported that Media Markt & Saturn, the major German electronics retailers, will offer Calman-based professional TV calibration in 400 stores with pre-calibration costing from €99 while home calibration will cost …

Tags:Display Calibration| MediaMarkt (Saturn)| Retail| TVs (TV Sets)

Useful Links for first half of W/E 20th November 2020

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Enthusiast Gaming launches channel on Samsung TVs PlayStation 5 launch: What you should know (Useful display specification listing) Disney+ 73m global subs Epson And Yamaha Join Forces On New Laser TV …

Tags:audio| Consoles| Disney| Epson| Game Playing| Kiosks| PlayStation| Retail| Samsung| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Smart Monitors| Streaming Video| SVOD| TVs (TV Sets)| UST Projectors

Xbox Series X/S pre-orders now available at these retailers

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Microsoft’s new XBox Series X and Series S consoles will be available on November 10th from a number of retailers in North America and Europe. They will cost £339/€499/$499 and £249/€299/$299, …

Tags:Consoles| Microsoft| Retail| xBox

The Reinvention of Retail

by Bob Raikes

What They Say McKinsey, the international consultants, published data about changes in the retail environment because of Covid. The company believes that the market has experienced ten years of development in just three months. …

Tags:internet| Retail

3D and AR Imaging at NRF

by Matthew Brennesholtz

AT the recent National Retail Federation (NRF) Big Show in New York, I attended a session titled “Re-imagining the shopping experience with immersive 3D and AR product media.” To retail companies, “3D” and “AR” …

Tags:3D software| Adobe| Augmented Reality| NRF (National Retail Federation)| NRF 2020| Retail