

Barnes & Noble Kicks Off Month-Long NOOK® Trade-In/Trade-Up Promotion

by Isaac Oburu

Barnes & Noble, Inc., the nation’s largest retail bookseller and a leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products, today announced its trade-in/trade-up promotion, a limited-time in-store promotion to offer existing NOOK customers …

Tags:Education| Retail

New Intel-Powered Retail Experiences to Hit Stores This Year

by Isaac Oburu

Intel Corporation today unveiled a range of technological innovations that are driving new retail experiences for consumers and enabling retailers to better understand and connect with customers. The solutions feature popular brands including Boulanger*, …

Tags:Intel| Retail

Game On With BrightSign

by Tom Allen

UK video games retailer Game has installed 1,300+ BrightSign digital signage players into its 320 stores. Freehand carried out the work, and players were supplied by Pixels. A mix of XD232 and XD1032 networked …

Tags:Digital Signage| Large Display Monitor| Retail| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 23 - Issue 02

Corning Shows Ideas for Glass in the Future

by Norbert Hildebrand

Corning is a material supplier to many parts of the consumer electronics, even though they typically do not supply any devices under the Corning brand name. One exception to this business approach is in …

Tags:CES 2016| Corning| Glass| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| Transparent Displays| Vol 23 - Issue 02


NEC Showcases Retail and Digital Signage Solutions at NRF16

by Isaac Oburu

NEC Corporation of America (NEC), a leading technology provider for advanced IT, communications and networking solutions, today announced that it will feature new retail solutions that integrate a wide range of NEC technology, including …

Tags:NEC| Retail

TV Shopping Pushes Acer Sales at Christmas

by Tom Allen

Acer has sold 70,000 units of its Liquid Leap smartband (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 18) in the USA, during a 24-hour promotion with a TV shopping channel earlier this month.

Tags:Acer| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| USA| Vol 22 - Issue 51| Wearables

UK Footfall Trends Down in December

by Tom Allen

Ipsos Retail Performance’s Retail Traffic Index (RTI) shows that shopping footfall in the UK fell 2.6% last week (beginning 6th December), compared to last year. Ipsos believes that 2015 will be a ‘muted’ Christmas …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 22 - Issue 50

Sharp Prepares 8k for ISE

by Tom Allen

ISE preparations are under-way, with more companies having announced their plans for the show. ISE 2016 will run from the 9th – 12th February in Amsterdam. NEC (4.R24) will again split its stand into …

Tags:Digital Signage| ISE 2016| Large Display Monitor| NEC| Panasonic| Retail| sharp| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD| Vol 22 - Issue 49

Big Deals on Big TVs This Black Friday

by Tom Allen

This year, retailers are especially aware of the popularity of large TVs on Black Friday. Both Target and Best Buy have said that their sales mix is shifting towards larger sets. 60″ – 65″ …

Tags:Black Friday| CTA (was CEA)| Huawei| Large Display Monitor| Microsoft| Mobile Display Monitor| Nvidia| Pricing| Retail| STBs| USA| Vol 22 - Issue 47