

Philips Light Signalling Used in Media Markt in Eindhoven

by Bob Raikes

Philips Lighting said that it is installing an LED lighting system that can provide location information to Media Markt in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The system will run using software from Aisle411 of the US …

Tags:DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Netherlands| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 18

“HoloTour” at PoS – Saturn is based on Augmented Reality

by Bob Raikes

Saturn, the German retailer (and part of the Metro group, along with MediaMarkt) is running a ‘Holotour’ from 4th of May to 22nd July and taking in 20 different cities. The company will show …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Germany| MediaMarkt (Saturn)| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 17

Pioneer and Tronitag Partner to Bring LG Innotek to the UK

by Isaac Oburu

Pioneer Group has announced a partnership for the market leading ESL system by troniTAG (the partner of LG Innotek) for the UK & Ireland, providing turnkey support for retail roll outs in the region. …

Tags:Retail| technology

Waitrose Runs LCD shelf edge Trial

by Bob Raikes

High end UK supermarket, Waitrose, is undertaking a 12 week trial of shelf-edge labelling that is using specially cut-down full colour LCDs that can show video. The trial will take place at the Trumpington …

Tags:Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs)| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 24 - Issue 11

Tri Evolution Promotes AS3D for Retail

by Bob Raikes

We heard that Michael Russo, who for ten years ran Tridelity, a specialist in 3D in Germany, is now running a new venture, Tri Evolution and will be at EuroShop 2017 in Düsseldorf to …

Tags:3D| Autostereo 3D| Large Display Monitor| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 08

Panasonic Transparent R/P Screen Comes to Market

by Bob Raikes

Panasonic has developed a technology that can use a transparent glass screen as a projection screen, using a high contrast light control film embedded between the two layers of the glass. The layer can …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Panasonic| Rear Projection| Retail| Transparent Displays| Vol 24 - Issue 06

CDM Wins Retail Deal in Canada

by Bob Raikes

Cineplex Digital Media said that it will install digital signage networks at shopping centres in Canada managed by Morguard Investments Ltd. ‘Nearly’ 175 digital displays will be installed and supported in 21 Morguard-managed retail …

Tags:Digital Signage| DOOH| Large Display Monitor| North America| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 06

NRF 2017 Optimistic about 2017

by Matthew Brennesholtz

The National Retail Federation (NRF) had their 2017 Big Show in New York’s Javits Convention Center January 15 -17. This is not a new thing – the NRF and its trade show have been …

Tags:Forecasts| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NRF 2017| Retail| USA| Vol 24 - Issue 03

NRF 2017 – 2 AI and Analytics in Retail

by Matthew Brennesholtz

One of the pre-show press releases from the NRF said, “New innovations and technical capabilities will continue to transform the retail experience, from mobile to personalization to bringing artificial intelligence and augmented reality out …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NRF 2017| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 03

NRF 2017 – 3 VR and AR in Retail

by Matthew Brennesholtz

There was a small VR pavilion at the NRF Big Show with three exhibitors InContext Solutions, InVRsion and Marxent Labs. A fourth company, Timelooper, Inc. had reserved a booth but did not show up, …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NRF 2017| Retail| Touch Displays| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 03

NRF 2017 – 4 POS Terminals

by Matthew Brennesholtz

Point-of-sale (POS) terminals have displaced cash registers in the technology-centric stores and chains that the NRF Big Show caters to. While traditional cash registers may still be in use in small, individually-owned stores, there …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NRF 2017| POS| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 03

NRF 2017 – 5 Endless Aisle and Omnichannel concepts

by Matthew Brennesholtz

One common phrase I saw from multiple exhibitors was “Endless Aisle.” This was an in-store kiosk system. If a customer didn’t find what she wanted in the store, she could find the closest item …

Tags:Digital Signage| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| NRF 2017| POS| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 03