
Holding out for Hope on AR/VR Panel Shipments

by Omid Rahmat

AR/VR panel shipments in 2024 have been adjusted downward, with expected growth now at 12%, a significant reduction from previous estimates.

Tags:Augmented Reality| DSCC| headsets| Market Data| MR| showcase| Virtual Reality

Microsoft IVAS headset

Switching from Alt Reality to AI

by Omid Rahmat

What Display Daily thinks: Is artificial intelligence (AI) a great excuse to cut out the dead wood in your business or is it really a defining sea change in the focus of modern technology …

Tags:Artificial Intelligence (AI)| Hololens| Microsoft| MR| showcase| VR| XR

Oracle of Apple Says Vision Pro Shipment Forecasts Drastically Cut

by Shawnee Blackwood

The lower-than-expected demand for the Vision Pro impacts the broader market for MR headsets, as the Vision Pro struggles with issues such as the lack of essential applications, high pricing, and comfort.

Tags:Apple| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| MR| Vision Pro

China’s AR/VR Market Pins Hopes on Vision Pro

by Shawnee Blackwood

Domestic consumer-grade XR device sales in China are expected to increase by just 6.5% year-on-year to 757,000 units in 2023.

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| Cinno Research| Market Data| MR| Vision Pro| VR| XR

China Goes for Vision Pro Rentals in Big Way

by Shawnee Blackwood

The device, launched this month in the United States, has entered the Chinese market via the gray market, where it’s being sold for double the US price.

Tags:Apple| headsets| MR| Vision Pro