

ClassOne’s Solstice Plating System Selected for Advanced MicroLEDs

by Artem Alekseenko

Semiconductor equipment manufacturer ClassOne Technology announced the sale of its Solstice® GoldPro™ electroplating system to one of the industry’s leading developers of microLED technology for advanced applications. The Solstice equipment, designed specifically for ?200mm …

Tags:MicroLED| Semiconductor Industry

QD-OLED Production to Start without Endorsement of Samsung Visual

by Barry Young

Samsung Display and its sister companies, Samsung Mobile and Samsung Visual have been conflicted over the last couple of years. Samsung Mobile wants a second source for OLED panels and has reached out to …

Tags:MicroLED| QD OLEDs| Samsung| TVs (TV Sets)

eMagin Announces A Direct Patterned OLED Micro Display With 7,500 Nits

by Barry Young

The VR/AR revolution has not materialized as expected by the illustrious leaders of Facebook, Apple, Google and just about all market researchers have had to drop their forecasts year after year. In 2019, 6.9m …

Tags:Augmented Reality| eMagin| Forecasts| Market Data| Microdisplays| MicroLED| Virtual Reality

MicroLED Display Shipments Set to Rise to 16.7 Million Units in 2027

by Artem Alekseenko

Demand from smartwatches and TVs drives market growth. Driven by increasing demand for innovative, self-emissive displays, global shipments of micro light-emitting diode (microLED) displays are expected to soar to more than 16 million units …

Tags:Forecasts| MicroLED

MiniLED-Based Displays Poised for Expanded Presence

by Sweta Dash

MiniLED display technology can enable LCD to achieve high brightness, very high contrast, better HDR (High Dynamic Range), thinner form factor and higher power efficiency to compete directly with OLED. MiniLED-based displays were introduced …

Tags:LCD Backlights| MicroLED| MiniLED| Taiwan

iBeam Materials to Present its Vision of the Future of Displays

by Artem Alekseenko

iBeam Materials, Inc., the leader in enabling large-area monolithic microLED displays using GaNoX technology (including GaN-on-metal and GaN-on-Glass), announced that the company will be presenting its technology updates at two key industry conferences in …

Tags:MicroLED| Roll to Roll (R2R)

MicroLED Display: An Emerging Application Market

by Sweta Dash

microLED is considered by some to be the fourth generation flat panel display technology after plasma, LCD and OLED. It combines the best features of LCD and OLED, with higher brightness, significant increases in …

Tags:Automotive| LCD displays| Microdisplays| MicroLED| OLEDs| Wearable Market

Ubiquitous Displays Enabled by Micro-LEDs

by Artem Alekseenko

MicroLED, believed by many as the next generation display technology, has been pursued by players from LED, display, OEM, materials and so on. Differentiated from LCD and OLED, microLED is considered to be the …

Tags:Forecasts| IdTechEx| MicroLED

MicroLED Display:  Progressing Towards Commercialization

by Sweta Dash

microLED is considered to be a next generation display technology. It provides the best features of both LCD and OLED display. It has the potential to outperform both the technologies in terms of color …


Are Quantum Nano Emitting Diodes (QNEDs) the Next Big Thing?

by Sid Harikrishna-Mohan

As the display industry widely awaits the launch of QD-OLEDs by Samsung in 2021, an obvious question in everyone’s minds is – what’s next? What does the display roadmap look like in the premium …

Tags:MicroLED| QD OLEDs| QNED| Quantum Dots

Quantum Dot Display:  Entering An Expansion Phase

by Sweta Dash

Quantum Dot Display is an evolving technology that has established itself as a formidable force in 2019 with lower prices, higher product availability and improved performance enabling strong growth in shipments. This technology is …

Tags:MicroLED| MiniLED| QD OLEDs| Quantum Dots