

We Don’t Need No Stinking VR

by Omid Rahmat

Stepping up from 3D to 2D could be the next big leap for Alt Reality products.

Tags:Augmented Reality| headsets| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Microdisplays| Near-Eye Displays| showcase| VR

Enhancing Light Control in High-Resolution LCoS Displays

by Joseph Bryans

One of the central challenges is that, as pixel sizes decrease to enable higher resolutions, interpixel crosstalk and associated distortions increase, degrading performance.

Tags:LCOS| Microdisplays| research| showcase

VR Lemmings Make Easy Prey for Microdisplays

by Omid Rahmat

Does it matter if there is, or isn’t, a VR/AR/MR market as long as you’re the one selling the displays? No, it really doesn’t.

Tags:Bytedance| headsets| Microdisplays| MR| Pico| showcase| VR